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Yoda 05-14-02 11:38 PM

James Bond: Die Another Day
Teaser trailer up. Looks good:

Sunfrogolin 05-15-02 11:45 AM

When I tried to view it the video was all messed up :(

CrazyLegsMC 05-23-02 04:39 PM

Yah i just saw the teaser for that earlier today. Dont see too much in the teaser to comment on, but hey its a James Bond movie, youll know itll be a big blockbuster movie and itll get ppl excited. After the last couple JB movies, we've seen the plots and characters start to go from intresting to corny as hell but either way the movies are always fun to watch.

Cant wait for the trailer to come out

Raziel1 06-18-02 12:44 AM

Doubt it will be. They died when Sean Connery stopped playing Bond.

Yoda 06-18-02 12:45 AM

I thought The World Is Not Enough was a truly awesome Bond flick. Goldeneye was decent, but I didn't dig Tomorrow Never Dies all that much. I don't consider the three latest flicks to be violating the series, however. I think they're quite worthy.

Raziel1 06-18-02 12:57 AM

That's still pushin it man:yup: :yup:

sisboombah 06-21-02 03:44 PM

omfg i really can not wait till that film!

there are so many cool films coming out this year!

harry potter 2
james bond
austin powers 3 (with micheal caine!)

cant think of any more but thats still a pretty good list

jrs 09-06-02 12:02 PM

James Bond: Die Another Day - Teaser #2

Yoda 09-06-02 12:31 PM

Yep, I posted it through the site:

Monkeypunch 09-06-02 01:19 PM

I saw this promo, and I just don't know...James Bond used to be just plain cooler than he is now. The Bond movies are just fast and furious action flicks with little actual spy work and little to no sex, both of which were hallmarks of the series in it's prime. I think they need to go back and watch the old films again and see how it's done. (They should also make an R rated James Bond, which would save the entire franchise and give them more creative freedom) That said, I will admit to liking Tommorow Never Dies, not so much for Bond himself, but for Michelle Yeoh :randy: and Sheryl Crow's theme song....

The Silver Bullet 09-06-02 09:23 PM

I believe this Bond film is going to mark the first ever nude scene, or something along those lines, but yeah, whatever.

LordSlaytan 09-06-02 09:34 PM

I haven't anticipated a Bond film since, hmm...never. Not that I hate them or anything. Connery was a stud, Lazenby was worse than Connery but better than Moore, Moore was a joke, Dalton was a wanabee, and Brosnan? I think Brosnan's cool, second best Bond IMHO.

The Silver Bullet 09-07-02 02:48 AM

Connery was, is, always shall be the king.

Of Bond.

LordSlaytan 09-07-02 03:31 AM

You shouldn't agree with me SB in a public forum...It makes us both look bad.:D

Gracie 09-07-02 01:03 PM

I don't know why everyone always picks on Brosnan! He's done and outstanding job so far, IMO. He always has the right style for Bond. Calm, Clear-headed, Cool, and really friggin' awesome! :yup:

jrs 09-07-02 01:50 PM

I literally agree with Gracie there. Pierce Brosnan is the hippest, sassiest, most calm, cool and collective James Bond ever.
Here's hoping for a much longer stay for Pierce as 007! :yup: :cool:

Monkeypunch 09-07-02 04:47 PM

Pierce Brosnan does an adequte job, yeah, but Sean Connery owns Bond. Connery is the coolest human being that ever lived, bar none...:laugh:

Dr West 06-08-05 11:07 AM

James Bond: Die Another Day
Rumour is Pierce is stiil on for Casino Royale.

darkhorse 06-20-05 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by Dr West
Rumour is Pierce is stiil on for Casino Royale.
That should be interesting. BTW, Casino Royale would be a remake, right? The original movie was a spoof. But, I guess, it's about time the movie was seriously made. In fact, maybe they should remake all the Ian Fleming novels--I'd go with that!

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