Rappers/Hip Hop Stars in Movies (WTF!!!)
ok, i am new to the forum so i probably have missed this being talked about before, but seriously. Here is where the thought began:
It was a Friday night about two or three weeks ago and i was drunk and being belligerant (as usual), and for the first time every my buddy Jesse's sister was home (with friends...Hooray)and they asked if we wanted to watch a movie with them. THe movie was Bones, starring Snoop Dog (at least I think that was the title). About 15 minutes to a half and hour into this movie I stared to projectile vomit all over in the bathroom (literally), and the sad part is I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or the movie. I mean lets be serious, with the exception of Ice T, in Surving the Game and Mean Guns (and maybe a few others i can't remember) I have yet to see one rapper/hip hop artist that can act. And to be frank it pisses me off that our culture allows this to happen to decent folk like us... why not just shove a sharpened pencil in our eyes and beat us in the head with a bat. In the famous words of Lewis Black (comedian) "There should just be a point where you go...*does his stutter* NO!!!, and end the insanity." Please I hope i am not the only one who feels this way. So if you would like to see DMX, SNOOP DOG and all those other actors who can only potray gangsters (hmmm i wonder why?), and do so poorly anyway in our movies then let me hear your opions shout out loud across cyberspace. Viva La Revolution and pass the whiskey and Gin you bloody wankers! |
Actually, most of the rappers I've seen in movies do a good job.
I don't care what their day-job is long as they can act.
Look at Kevin Spacey and Tom Hanks, they were stand-up comedians. |
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Actually, most of the rappers I've seen in movies do a good job.
Originally Posted by DrenaiWarrior
Ok, on to my next pet peave. I remember after 8 Mile came out i heard all about how great a job Eminem did acting. For the love of all that is holy how hard is it to play a character that is based upon YOU! If most people were asked to be themselves... guess what?? they wouldn't have a problem doing it. I appriciate the feedback guys, but if you really think there are rappers that can act, please tell me the movies and actors so i can see this for myself. Thanx again... your friend Waylander ;)
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
One example: Bustah Ryhmes in Finding Forrester. Snoopy in Training day did fine too. I haven't seen 8 mile, haven't wanted too. I'm into metal, not rap.
You know, I'm gonna give you Snoop in Training day... it was an excellent movie too. And alas as much as i love metal music i am going soft lately, way to into Live, Days of the New, and Dispatch...oh well appriciate the input Slaytan |
I guess I'd have to agree but I don't usually see the movies in the first place..
just "star power" working in different forms.. |
Originally Posted by DrenaiWarrior
ok, i am new to the forum so i probably have missed this being talked about before, but seriously. Here is where the thought began:
It was a Friday night about two or three weeks ago and i was drunk and being belligerant (as usual), and for the first time every my buddy Jesse's sister was home (with friends...Hooray)and they asked if we wanted to watch a movie with them. THe movie was Bones, starring Snoop Dog (at least I think that was the title). About 15 minutes to a half and hour into this movie I stared to projectile vomit all over in the bathroom (literally), and the sad part is I don't know if it was because of the alcohol or the movie. I mean lets be serious, with the exception of Ice T, in Surving the Game and Mean Guns (and maybe a few others i can't remember) I have yet to see one rapper/hip hop artist that can act. And to be frank it pisses me off that our culture allows this to happen to decent folk like us... why not just shove a sharpened pencil in our eyes and beat us in the head with a bat. In the famous words of Lewis Black (comedian) "There should just be a point where you go...*does his stutter* NO!!!, and end the insanity." Please I hope i am not the only one who feels this way. So if you would like to see DMX, SNOOP DOG and all those other actors who can only potray gangsters (hmmm i wonder why?), and do so poorly anyway in our movies then let me hear your opions shout out loud across cyberspace. Viva La Revolution and pass the whiskey and Gin you bloody wankers! Anyway, Cam'ron in Paid in Full and Mos Def in Bamboozled are both terrific, and I thought Eminem did a good job with 8 Mile. And it's difficult to play yourself. |
Originally Posted by Steve
Is it just me, or is there something vaguely racist about the way this guy complains?
Anyway, Cam'ron in Paid in Full and Mos Def in Bamboozled are both terrific, and I thought Eminem did a good job with 8 Mile. And it's difficult to play yourself. |
Thanks Slaytan...ok i'll make this very clear... i am in no way racist (selfish maybe :D ) but not racists. I think Eminem Blew as bad in 8 mile as the guy in Baby Boy... these people aren't acting, they are playing themselves which i dont think is difficult. OK but my brother must insist on giving proops to LL COOL J in Deep Blue Sea...and i will yet again agree that every now and then i am stunned
but like Bruce Willis said in Last Man Standing "It's funny, maybe one time in a hundred people you meet will turn out better than you expect." thanks for your feedback Captain Morgan |
Others than the allready mentioned...
Ice Cube Tupac Shakur Will Smith Queen Latifah Sticky Fingaz |
I dont really care if they are Rappers or not (or any musician for that matter) as long as they can act Im happy. DMX on the other hand cannot act, I've heard ppl saying DMX has charisma..:rotfl: Oh an Eminem cannot act either...
Originally Posted by Sidewinder
I dont really care if they are Rappers or not (or any musician for that matter) as long as they can act Im happy. DMX on the other hand cannot act, I've heard ppl saying DMX has charisma..:rotfl: Oh an Eminem cannot act either...
Son of a...ok you guys got me again on Will Smith...and as far as Eminem goes let me lay this down once and for all on my opinion of him as an actor
Yes he did a good job in 8 Mile...no i did not like the movie No i don't think he can act because.. IN 8 MILE EMINEM WAS PLAYING HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!! and as i have said before, if most of us were asked to be ourselves for a awhile...guess what? We could do it! |
In 8 Mile Eminem was playing himself, but he was still acting. He was still working with a script and a director. He may have had the perfect background for the role but I still think he did a fantastic job, he could have been a whole hell of a lot worse. Also I believe most rappers do make good actors, seeing as how their entire "rapper" image is a big act most of the time. My favorite is either Will Smith or Mos Def, also was Ice Cube mentioned I can't remember and I'm not going back in the browser to find out b/c I don't want to re-type all this again.
The problem of casting musicians (lets not limit this to rap, because the phenomenon is much larger than that) in films is that they are often casted for their popularity rather than their acting ability. Most performances by musicians (unless they have become experienced actors) are sub-par, but not unwatchable. Sometimes the performances are even excellent.
Kong hasn't seen the much discussed 8 Mile, but casting a musician to play a musician makes pretty good sense. So what if he is just playing himself? What matters is if he is convincing or not. |
I think if any rapper deserves proops man...its gotta be Ice T, Surving the Game, Mean Guns, for the love of Chicken Nuggets he was in Law and Order (or some other law show)...Ice T rules
I guess i should apologize to everyone... maybe the should rename this forum Don't you get pissed when artists that can't act are put in movies just because they are artists!!! |
ooops i meant thread!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry
I'm sorry Drenai but I think Ice-T is by far one of the worst rapper/actors I really haven't seen him in any good movies that I can recall.
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