The Shoutbox
So, I'm walking home earlier and I do a double-take because there's a truck in the crosswalk with XYZ plates, and we very rarely see XYZ plates around these parts.

As I walk away, the guy in the truck yells out, at the top of his lungs, "BEST STATE IN THE UNION, XYZ BOOO-YAHHH!!!" and he sounds like he means it.

I mean, sure, buddy, whatever you say.

*Not using the actual name of the state b/c I don't want anyone thinking my snark is being directed at XYZ, just at this particular person's braggadocio.
phone was blowing up there for like a good half hour. i got one guy that kept ****ing with me so i started speaking Japanese, he hangs up, calls back, and starts a racist diatribe.

but he hung up before i could ask who his crack dealer was, so i'm never gonna get that good good
Originally Posted by John-Connor
Which mortgage company is that.. Hans Gruber Inc. ?
Yippee Ki-Yay Mortgage, Inc.
Which mortgage company is that.. Hans Gruber Inc. ?
just called my mortgage company to see about an equity line. while I was on the phone with them I had nine other calls. all mortgage brokers. one of which left me the following voicemail:

“hey John McClane, **** you”

gotta love this country
Originally Posted by Allaby
Well there is a Christmas movie airing on tv on Halloween, so this might be true.
Or just look at the new Terrifier. Art is moving in on Santa, and he's not being gentle about it.
Originally Posted by TONGO
Originally Posted by Allaby
Wedneday is the new Friday.
and Halloween is the new Christmas.
Well there is a Christmas movie airing on tv on Halloween, so this might be true.
Originally Posted by Allaby
Wedneday is the new Friday.
and Halloween is the new Christmas.
Originally Posted by ynwtf
I'll post some video clips once I have time to go through everything.
Now I have something to look forward today.
Jealous you got to see ELO. I wasn't able to get tickets.

I saw Jungle last night and had fun. Some other fellow middle agers, but I mostly felt like a chaperone at a dance.