
I think so. I don't feel like I did but, it's been two hours, right? So I must have.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm excited for the Star Wars commentary today, Sean.
Me too. We need to try and do all three before VII comes out. I think we have enough time.


You did, but 3,4 and five is about the same, isn't it? I mean, I love Return because I grew up with it, but the Ewoks were rubbish even then. From memory, I think 3 is on the same level as 6.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You did, but 3,4 and five is about the same, isn't it? I mean, I love Return because I grew up with it, but the Ewoks were rubbish even then. From memory, I think 3 is on the same level as 6.
3 and 6 are pretty similar in quality to me. I like them both a lot.

My internet is on the verge of driving me into a homicidal rage. It’s always been slow, but it’s gotten a thousand times worse lately. Plus it keeps randomly dropping my connection. I’ve tried every troubleshooting tip available, but nothing works. Unless the problem magically corrects itself, don’t expect to see me around too much for the foreseeable future.

I’ll figure something out, but it might take awhile. I’m going to call around this week to see if anything has changed since first moving here a few months ago. Hopefully my options are no longer as limited and I can get something much faster and more reliable than dial-up.