Mean Creek

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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Mean Creek is the type of movie that causes me mental pain while I'm watching it. Not because it is a bad movie, but because it hurts me to think I could never make a movie this good. I feel like I haven't earned the right to experience something so absolutely wonderful.

Mean Creek is that kind of rare gem that makes me hate myself because I feel inferior by comparison. A movie so ambitious and charismatic that you can't help but fall immediately in love with it and when every single one of those ambitions is quickly met, that love becomes irreversible.

The acting is phenomenal. The oldest of the main cast couldn't be a day past 24 and yet every actor gives a performance that could convince this viewer they've been acting for decades. I can't think of a better example of characters being absolutely perfect for their roles. I can't concieve of the characters of Sam, Marty, Rocky, Clyde, Milly or George being played by anyone else and I'm pretty sure they're not making it into heaven because they sold their souls to these roles.

One thing that makes the movie so convincing, aside from the aforementioned acting, is the use of digital and the manner in which the director, Jacob Aaron Estes, handles it. Within 15 minutes of this movie I was convinced that it only had 7 people working on it. The 6 actors and the person holding the camera. That's it. You're tossed right in that river with them. You're in the boat whether you want to be or not. You're loving it on cloud nine right along with them and you're clawing at the walls when those 6 are shattered as well.

If you've seen the trailer for it (and if you haven't, do then you know what is going to happen, but it doesn't destract from the film at all. It doesn't reduce the highs and lows it puts you through, if anything it makes them better. It's like watching a train wreck. You simply can't look away. You stare in the beauty of it all as each section derails. You're more than just glued to this film, you're physically attached to it like conjoined twins. It really is amazing the level of involvement Mean Creek puts you though. I personally find it unrivaled.

The writing is top notch. Each character has a depth to it that is undeniable. These people could not exist any other way. The story is really rather simple, but it soars on the wings of it's characters like some kind of magical animal I can't even come up with words to describe.

If I had to recommend anyone only one movie this year, it would be Mean Creek. And that statement is monumental considering how strong my love for Oldboy is.
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it is now on my to see list, thx

Thanks OG... Mean Creek is now on my 'to see' list too...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wow, I guess the OP really liked this movie. Is he/she still around because I got this @cricket's recommendation and will be watching it tonight.

Hmmm, doesn't ring a bell, I will check it out!

OK, I see that it is a movie about teens with a kewl looking poster. The reason I chose not to watch it is because I usually skip movies about school kids because they usually suck.

So, since the OP recommends it, I will give it a shot and I hope I am not disappointed.

This is a great movie, I own it on DVD and have forced many people to watch it who haven't heard of it