The Killing of a Sacred Deer

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If Martin had super human powers then why didn't he save his father's life to begin with ?

If Martin had super human powers then why didn't he save his father's life to begin with ?

Who's to say Martin wasn't his father. Martin may not have existed until his father died and then he was manifested to test Steven.

Who's to say Martin wasn't his father. Martin may not have existed until his father died and then he was manifested to test Steven.

But then wouldn't the Mother have known that this was not her son ?

Did anybody say he had super powers or are you just saying it because of things he did in the movie, it's all a metaphor.. in case you don't get it there's a moment in the film where Martin explains it's all a metaphor , he's not spider man mate.

Did anybody say he had super powers or are you just saying it because of things he did in the movie, it's all a metaphor.. in case you don't get it there's a moment in the film where Martin explains it's all a metaphor , he's not spider man mate.

If he is responsible for super human things , making everyone sick, then it must mean that he has super human powers. Or did he just poison everyone ?

If he is responsible for super human things , making everyone sick, then it must mean that he has super human powers. Or did he just poison everyone ?

Well then what was happening to the family to explain their condition ?

Welcome to the human race...
To put it simply, a magic curse. The question of how Martin manages to do these things is completely irrelevant - what matters is how Steven and his family deal with such a nightmarish situation.

Robert the List's Avatar
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Could they have made it as a straight horror, without the Scream/Shaun of the Dead stuff?
Would it have been better or worse?
I like it as it is, but just wonder.

I may re-watch this one day as I enjoyed The Favourite and Poor Things for the most part... but my Gawd did this suck.
HEI guys.

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
I may re-watch this one day as I enjoyed The Favourite and Poor Things for the most part... but my Gawd did this suck.
I don't think so. I've got a big smile on my face, as well as an eiree chill through my body.
Of these kind of black comedy horrors, this is the best, if not the perfectly executed example.
I think if I was in a movie theater, I would probably still be in my seat thinking what on earth was that? And that takes some doing.
There were moments where it somehow made you feel amused and horrified at the same time. And other times where I lolled, and times where I was absolutely gripped. There was also a moment where I felt huge empathy towards the father.
In terms of play on emotions, this films is a masterpiece.
It's also pretty to look at, very well acted, and completely original.
It is a very strange, unusual film, but.....yeah, it reallllllly hits its spot.
I would have to give it a 9.

Robert the List's Avatar
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Did anybody say he had super powers or are you just saying it because of things he did in the movie, it's all a metaphor.. in case you don't get it there's a moment in the film where Martin explains it's all a metaphor , he's not spider man mate.
How does a metaphor do that to people again?

I don't think so. I've got a big smile on my face, as well as an eiree chill through my body.
I think if I was in a movie theater, I would probably still be in my seat thinking what on earth was that? And that takes some doing.
There were moments where it somehow made you feel amused and horrified at the same time. And other times where I lolled, and times where I was absolutely gripped. There was also a moment where I felt huge empathy towards the father.
In terms of play on emotions, this films is a masterpiece.
It's also pretty to look at, very well acted, and completely original.
It is a very strange, unusual film, but.....yeah, it reallllllly hits its spot.
I would have to give it a 9.
I recognize the pleasure you're describing, which probably only cinema can offer: for you to sit and absorb all the unusual artistry (done by an auteur in command of their craft) that is being unfolded on the screen, letting a film "play" you as the viewer in a way and giving you a range of emotions and impressions...

But I didn't get any of that from this (or Kinds of Kindness). Didn't laugh once, didn't experience horror once (I was repelled though, so he got that going for him) and didn't feel empathy towards the father or any of his family members (why should I? the director obviously didn't).
The only thing this is a masterpiece of is coming off as a try-hard. I appreciate "strange" and "unusual", but not pretentious metaphors or what have you... I only somewhat agree with the cinematography being a stand-out (and only that, not even "pretty") but even that gets improved in his next two outputs when it's not in service of such unpleasantness..

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
I recognize the pleasure you're describing, which probably only cinema can offer: for you to sit and absorb all the unusual artistry (done by an auteur in command of their craft) that is being unfolded on the screen, letting a film "play" you as the viewer in a way and giving you a range of emotions and impressions...

But I didn't get any of that from this (or Kinds of Kindness). Didn't laugh once, didn't experience horror once (I was repelled though, so he got that going for him) and didn't feel empathy towards the father or any of his family members (why should I? the director obviously didn't).
The only thing this is a masterpiece of is coming off as a try-hard. I appreciate "strange" and "unusual", but not pretentious metaphors or what have you... I only somewhat agree with the cinematography being a stand-out (and only that, not even "pretty") but even that gets improved in his next two outputs when it's not in service of such unpleasantness..
You were in the wrong frame of mind.
Perhaps you were over dressed.

It's like the epiphany scene from "Sweeney Todd", only God does the legwork for him.

'Why and how' isn't important. What's important is what happens to the family when it does. It turns out none of them are the people they pretended to be. And even when a terrible solution is accepted, the father still handles it in the most indirect, cowardly way possible.

It's like the biblical story of King Solomon's judgement, only if both mothers agreed to cut the baby in half.


I like Lanthimos paired with screenwriter Tony McNamara, I do NOT like Lanthimos when he teams up with Efthymis Filippou.

Sacred Deer made me feel like someone took a shit on my soul.

And I know, "but the art", and your right, I should focus on that, but in this instance, I can't - it's a bridge too far for me.

It's like the epiphany scene from "Sweeney Todd", only God does the legwork for him.

'Why and how' isn't important. What's important is what happens to the family when it does. It turns out none of them are the people they pretended to be. And even when a terrible solution is accepted, the father still handles it in the most indirect, cowardly way possible.

It's like the biblical story of King Solomon's judgement, only if both mothers agreed to cut the baby in half.

While I'd go more solid B than A-, I did really enjoy this film. I thought it was really funny, and I also think that Colin Farrell really knows his way around the weird cadence of the dialogue.