Where to find friends in real life?


To quote the great Tony Montana, speaking to his unhappy wife -

"You got nothing to do with your life. Why don't you get a job or something, you know. Do something. Be a nurse. Work with blind kids, lepers. That kind of thing."
Your point being what, that people only want friendship/meaningful connections if they’ve got nothing to do with their lives? Seems a bit of an extreme take.

I would say I've grown more and more introverted since high school. I felt my issue back then was I opened myself up to too many people. As a result, some of them were fake friends who I was stuck with them for a while. I often got the sense they didn't think much of me and viewed me as a laughingstock behind my back. And while I initially dismissed some of this as anxiety at the time, the more time I spent around them kept confirming my initial suspicions time and time again. As is the case with everyone who finishes high school though, I've lost sight of almost all those people. Since then, I've decided to express more caution with my friend group.

The older I get (and especially in the past year), I've frequently felt like Minio in the sense movies are increasingly becoming everything for me and are all I want to do. Not sure if I should embrace this though as I don't know if I'll have enough films to watch/rewatch to get me through my life.

I think where I'm at now is I just want to get a chance to experience certain things in my life at least once which I haven't gotten a chance to experience yet just to find out if they're worth investing my life on. To help with this, I've been attending numerous meetings at an organization around my city and it's been going...fine, I guess? Like, I'm still getting the sense it's too cliquey for me to stick around long-term. Also, the main people I vibe with there don't show up that often nowadays. I'm still sticking around for the time being though, either until I warm up to it some more or if something better comes along.