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Very fun. Darker then the animated movie, but not too dark. Christopher Walken is great as King Louie, Sir Ben Kingsley was a perfect fit for Bagheera, Idris Elba was a great cast for Shere Khan, and Bill Murray is a delight as Baloo. Scarlett Johanson was very good as Kaa, but just like with the animated movie, the character is a waste. And seriously, why do they make Kaa a bad guy? He was a protector and ally to Mowglii. Biggest gripe with the film adaptations.

Anyway, still had a lot of fun, highly recommended.

An 80's action movie starring Michael Douglas fighting the Yakuza, set in Japan, full of neon lights, shootouts, a pointless but awesome motorcycle chase in the beginning, has Kate Capshaw, AND Was directed by Ridley Scott? Watch it now dammit!

The Fly -

Amazing film, if this holds up on a rewatch it is a top five horror for me. I deliberately avoided this for a while, first of all because i thought it would be disgusting and secondly because it didn't sound like i would like it, truthfully though i had the complete wrong idea of what this would be like. The most embarrassing for me is what age i thought Goldblums character was going to be and what i thought the story would entail, i've not really seen Jeff in much so i'm not aware of what age he is/ would have been. As well as that stuff like the Fly vs Fly segment in one of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episdes, and the fly part of Acid House gave me the false impression that Jeff would play a teenager . I also thought the transformation would happen much sooner, i mean i thought there'd be about an hour of him as the fly. So glad there wasn't because it made his transformation so much more effective the way it was done, watching him slowly change, develop now abilities, then just end up that grotesque creature was fantastic. The best thing about the film was easily Jeff's performance, he was fantastic. I sympathized with him as much as i possibly could, he came across as a really nice guy who was just passionate about essentially his lifes work and made a horrible mistake. The ending honestly devestated me.

Anyway amazing film, something i'm planning on rewatching soon. This was only my fourth Cronenberg after A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and The Dead Zone. I'm planning on watching some more of his early stuff starting with Videodrome.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Russian Ark -

Kind of wishing I hadn't already used the "not enough cuts" line on Victoria the other day.

Iro has now become the most pretentious reviewer on mofo.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
Iro has now become the most pretentious reviewer on mofo.
I don't know who's less in on the joke, you or me.


Titus -

I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Fly -

Amazing film, if this holds up on a rewatch it is a top five horror for me. I deliberately avoided this for a while, first of all because i thought it would be disgusting and secondly because it didn't sound like i would like it, truthfully though i had the complete wrong idea of what this would be like. The most embarrassing for me is what age i thought Goldblums character was going to be and what i thought the story would entail, i've not really seen Jeff in much so i'm not aware of what age he is/ would have been. As well as that stuff like the Fly vs Fly segment in one of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episdes, and the fly part of Acid House gave me the false impression that Jeff would play a teenager . I also thought the transformation would happen much sooner, i mean i thought there'd be about an hour of him as the fly. So glad there wasn't because it made his transformation so much more effective the way it was done, watching him slowly change, develop now abilities, then just end up that grotesque creature was fantastic. The best thing about the film was easily Jeff's performance, he was fantastic. I sympathized with him as much as i possibly could, he came across as a really nice guy who was just passionate about essentially his lifes work and made a horrible mistake. The ending honestly devestated me.

Anyway amazing film, something i'm planning on rewatching soon. This was only my fourth Cronenberg after A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and The Dead Zone. I'm planning on watching some more of his early stuff starting with Videodrome.
Camo, my boy!

I've been putting this movie off for months now and I finally got around to watching it


This movie was pretty fantastic in all aspects. The cinematography was beautiful, the story was strange yet interesting, the fight scenes were well made, and the twist made me very very uncomfortable. The movie fulfilled its purpose and did so effortlessly. Overall I give it 8.5/10. I give it this score because it isn't really "my" type of movie, but I can see why people like it so much.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Batman (1989) - 10/10 - Awesome all-around; Michael Keaton still remains my favorite live-action Batman, while Jack Nicholson definitely holds his own as the Joker (he's sadly been overlooked since 2008). Quite possibly the best film directed by Tim Burton, this or Ed Wood.

Madness is the emergency exit…
Anyway amazing film, something i'm planning on rewatching soon. This was only my fourth Cronenberg after A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and The Dead Zone. I'm planning on watching some more of his early stuff starting with Videodrome.
I'm sure you'll get mesmerized into the dark, moody & twisted world of early Cronenberg films and starting with Videodrome is the best idea. Don't forget to later add The Brood, Scanners and Dead Ringers...my most favorites of Cronenberg films. I also recommend SPIDER...very slow burn but an exceptionally well done psychological thriller.

Some I watched recently:

Bone Tomahawk: 6.5/10. Contains one of the most brutal death scenes I've seen for a while. It's nice to look at, has some memorable scenes but ultimately doesn't have a great deal of plot substance.

10 Clovefield Lane: 7.5/10 - Great entertainment, but I can't help feeling that having "Cloverfield" in the actual title, was a massive spoiler. I kind of knew what would happen in the last 10 minutes because of this.

Mustang: 8/10 - some remarkable performances by the young girls in this movie. Again quite a disturbing one that rekindles memories of "Dogtooth".

Religulous: 8/10 Been wanting to see this documentary for ages. It's hardly balanced or anything but is extremely entertaining and amusing.

Son of Saul: 9/10. Disturbing account of a struggle to bring a touch of humanity to hell. The most claustrophobic film I've seen for ages.

The Broken Circle Breakdown: 9/10. This is an astonishing Dutch / Belgian movie about love, death and alot in between. Recommend it. The best film I've seen for a long time.

Zoolander (2001)

I have no idea what is it that people like about this movie. It was ridiculous but not in a good way at all. All the jokes fell flat for me. Ben Stiller went full retard. Owen Wilson - enough said.

Check out my blog: Yasashii's Retro Game Playground

I have to return some videotapes...
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) -

Very fun film with great performances by all involved. I enjoyed a lot of the comedy, even though it feels like every character is way too witty. The plot to this film is also just completely ridiculous, but it works in some ways. Everything's a little too coincidental, but the writing is still very fun.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

I'm sure you'll get mesmerized into the dark, moody & twisted world of early Cronenberg films and starting with Videodrome is the best idea. Don't forget to later add The Brood, Scanners and Dead Ringers...my most favorites of Cronenberg films. I also recommend SPIDER...very slow burn but an exceptionally well done psychological thriller.
I think eXistenZ and Naked Lunch deserve a mention as well. Probably two of the least accessible films of his, but both are a must if you appreciate the weirdness in his others.

cricket's Avatar
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Born Yesterday (1950)


This movie is on the top 100 laughs list, and while it is funny, I thought the dramatic moments stood out more. Decent story and a great job by the cast.

Madness is the emergency exit…
I think eXistenZ and Naked Lunch deserve a mention as well. Probably two of the least accessible films of his, but both are a must if you appreciate the weirdness in his others.
Shame...haven't seen Naked Lunch yet! and though I've seen eXistenZ once & liked it too but frustratingly can't recall much of it. Need to give it another watch soon.

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Unregistered User

Mikey and Nicky (1976)

Loved the dark and gritty feel to this and both Falk and Cassavetes are excellent as two best friends with obvious baggage. I really liked how the director didn't go through that much of their background, it really made me pay more attention to the dialogue and their interactions. The film overall has a real Cassavetes-style feel to it, which I adore. If there ever was a film that was criminaly underseen, then surely it has to be this one, although I guess thats what adds to its grainy charm. Outstanding and I can see why its held in such high regard by Matt and Cricket.