The 10th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


I nominated My Cousin Vinny for the Comedy HoF, but then I dropped out when I saw the rest of the nominations.
I know, nice callback . If i was part of that no matter what was nominated My Cousin Vinny would have been my #1 most likely.

We don't agree a lot but we always have Looney Tunes and My Cousin Vinny .

I know, nice callback . If i was part of that no matter what was nominated My Cousin Vinny would have been my #1 most likely.

We don't agree a lot but we always have Looney Tunes and My Cousin Vinny .

We should have a Looney Tunes HoF. The cartoons are so short that it could be done pretty fast.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
East Of Eden: There is a lot to love about this film. Dean's mannered performance is chief among those things. He is magnetic in this film and I enjoyed watching him every second. There are some really cool shots in this film. I will mention two. I really love how the scene is framed between Dean and his father at the dinner table after reading the bible. It was striking to look at. I also loved the camera movement with Dean on a swing towards the end of the movie. It doesn't seem all that unique anymore but I don't ever remember a shot like that making me stand up and take notice. All that being said this movie was a bit dry for me. It feels like Grapes Of Wrath a lot. It feels like it was very relevant for its time. There seems to be a lot of social commentary packed into it that is beyond me . That's not a bad thing, but it does mean it doesn't resonate with me enough for me to fall in love with it. Really good movie that should fare very well on my list.

Tried to find a screen shot of that dinner table scene but couldn't find it.

Cul-De-Sac: I am straight down the middle of the road on this one. I really like the setting but ultimately it failed to deliver on the tension I thought the setting would provide. Even having no idea where the story was going it didn't surprise me or excite me when I found out. The characters are set up pretty well but none of their quirks really paid off for me. The scene where everyone show up is the best part of the film for me and provided a couple chuckles. I didn't find much humor in the rest. An okay watch. but not much more.

The film felt like a tale of two halves for me, making me wonder if I missed anything in the first half of the film because I greatly enjoyed the second half. I really liked the characters in the film and I really liked the film after all the people showed up. Really liked Pleasances character. The ending in particular I thought was really well done. The humor was there but there were times it passed me by. It was an interesting nomination and certainly is a hard film to rate.

I'm glad to see that a couple of other people also didn't get the humor in Cul-de-Sac. When I read the first review that talked about how funny the movie was, I thought it was just me, but now that other people also didn't think the movie was very funny, I feel a little better about my reaction to it. I thought I must have missed something when I watched it.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I'm on a waiting list for East of Eden, so I might not get to see it for awhile.

I nominated East of Eden for a few reasons: I think it's great of course...but also because it delves into a very troubled relationship between an older brother who does everything right, the stern father who is cold to the younger brother...and the very troubled younger brother, James Dean...Both brothers love Jule Harris, which acts as a fulcrum to bring the emotional dynamics out in the open.

I think those personal elements are relative today, just as they were when Steinback wrote the novel. And of course Elia Kazan is the man!

I've seen a lot of old movies, but until now, My Man Godfrey is one movie that seems to have slipped through the cracks for me, but I now that I watched it, I'm very glad that I did. This is a very good movie that just gets better and better as the movie goes on. William Powell and Carole Lombard were great together, (which shouldn't be surprising because they were previously married for a few years, and they even remained friends after their marriage broke up). I love the way we learn more and more about his character as the movie goes on, but it's a little bit at a time, we're not just hit with it all at once. And I loved the ending.

The most important thing that I learned from watching this movie is that I haven't seen enough movies from the 1930's yet.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I've seen a lot of old movies, but until now, My Man Godfrey is one movie that seems to have slipped through the cracks for me...The most important thing that I learned from watching this movie is that I haven't seen enough movies from the 1930's yet.
You never seen that one GBG? It's considered one of the great screw ball comedies of the 30s. I love 1930s films. Hollywood was in it's limelight, glamour and big name stars were BIG.

There's a colorized version of My Man Godfrey that's easy to fine online. I don't like colorzied movies but I might just give it a look.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
Don't let DanielM hear you say that....Just jokin, I'm curious myself what it might look like.
Yeah, I don't know why I chose it because I love B&W. The poster looked good I guess.

You never seen that one GBG? It's considered one of the great screw ball comedies of the 30s. I love 1930s films. Hollywood was in it's limelight, glamour and big name stars were BIG.
No, I thought I had seen it, but if I did, I didn't remember it while watching it.

Most of the movies that I've seen from the 1930's are Cary Grant movies. I need to fix that and watch more '30's movies.

There's a colorized version of My Man Godfrey that's easy to fine online. I don't like colorzied movies but I might just give it a look.
I'm not usually a fan of colorized movies. I think there's a nostalgic look to black & white movies, and it's gives the movies a different "feel".

The only movie I can think of that I'd like to see colorized is the James Cagney movie Yankee Doodle Dandy. I think that movie would look amazing in color.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

Dead Man's Shoes

What in the hell did I just watch? It felt homemade, is the director a former MoFo member? I know we have some members here making films, maybe this is one of them? Foster was that you in the corner? I kept thinking this looked like something a group of friends made for under $2000. Come to think of it, this seems like the same, over the top, exploitative movies Ed Wood Jr. made, only with more vornograpy for the 21st century. Joseph Breen where are you???

The lead actor was actually good, too good! Had he played this more campy and fun, then the black humor might have worked. The drug dealers were almost stupidly funny, but the psycho-killer was too real to be funny and the violence too graphic too laugh at.