Help finding Egyptian movie


Hello everyone, there was an Egyptian TV Program during the 90s called "Club of Cinema" and its intro featured a young little girl with a white shiny dress as it shown in the pictures below:

Can anyone tell me the name of the movie? cause that would really solve an Egyptian mystery.

to be more accurate guys the program featured only American and European movies, so again no its not a chance that it could be an Egyptian movie.

The accurate title should be movie not show cause the picture of the girl is from a movie, i know the name of the Egyptian show, the mystery is all about the girl and the movie.

The only clues I see (although I can't really use them) are the architecture of the building, the ancestry of the girl (Finnish? Hungarian?), and the style of her dress.

The OP is the one pointing out the correction, i.e., changing 'show' to 'movie'.
Kinda confused, to be honest, especially since the correction is coming from someone who didn't put any details in the title at all, but okay. I'll just change it rather than try to unravel whatever happened there.

The accurate title should be movie not show cause the picture of the girl is from a movie, i know the name of the Egyptian show, the mystery is all about the girl and the movie.
Did you do any research on the TV show? They may list information about the intro if that's where the girl is shown.