Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives - Links & Info


Trouble with a capital "T"
Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives

A reference resource with links to all the past official Top 100 (50) Movie Countdowns. Listed in the chronological order that they were originally done...from newest to oldest.

For the actual movies that made the individual countdowns see the Lists link on top of MoFo pages.

The MoFo Musicals Countdown - Preliminary Thread
Host: Thursday Next
Watch Period: 5-30-2024 to 9-17-2024 (3.5 months)

Host: Thief
Watch Period: 11-10-2023 to 2-25-2024 (4 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Neo-noir Countdown

47 ballots submitted
3-4-2024 to 4-7-2024

The MoFo Top Film Noir Countdown - Preliminary Thread
Host: Citizen Rules
Watch Period: 11-1-2023 to 2-25-2024 (4 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Film Noir Countdown
57 ballots submitted
3-4-2024 to 4-7-2024

The Top of the Bleeping Obstacle: MoFo Top 100 War Movies Prelims!
Host: KeyserCorleone
Watch Period: 3-12-2023 to 7-26-2023 (4.5 months)

The Movieforums Top 100 War Movies Countdown
58 ballots submitted
8-7-2023 to 10-4-2023

Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Preliminary Thread
Host: SpelingError
Watch Period: 9-12-2022 to 12-12-2022 (3 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown
98 ballots submitted
12-12-2022 to 2-10-2023

The MOFO Preliminary Discussion of the Top 100 Comedies
Host: Diehl40
Watch Period: 3-1-2022 to 6-2-2022 (3 months)

The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown
89 ballots submitted
6-17-2022 to 8-13-2022

Movie Forums Top 100 of the Aughts (the 00s) - Preliminary Thread
Host: Thief
Watch Period: 9-2-2021 to 12-2-2021 (3 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

88 ballots submitted
12-05-2021 to 1-28-2022

Movie Forums Top Foreign Language Films Countdown - Preliminary Thread
Host: Thursday Next
Watch Period: 3-10-2021 to 6-10-2021 (3 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown
74 ballots submitted
6-14-2021 to 8-5-2021

The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh (preliminary thread)
Host: Yoda
Watch Period: 9-2-2020 to 12-1-2020 (3 months)

The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown
96 ballots submitted
12-4-2020 to 1-29-2021

The MoFo Westerns List (preliminary thread)
Host: Holden Pike
Watch Period: 11-15-2019 to 5-15-2020 (6 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Westerns: Countdown
67 ballots submitted
5-16-2020 to 7-8-2020

The MoFo pre-1930 Countdown: preliminary thread (preliminary thread)
Host: Chypmunk
Watch Period: 5-24-2019 to 10-6-2019 (4.5 months)

The MoFo Top 50 Pre-1930 Countdown: The List
30 ballots submitted
10-11-2019 to 11-09-2019

The Movie Forums Top 100 Horror Movies (preliminary thread)
Host: Nostromo87
Watch Period: 11-30-2018 to 3-15-2019 (3.5 months)

MoFo Top 100 Horror Movies: The List
63 ballots submitted
3-17-2019 to 5-16-2019

The MoFo Top 100 Movies of the 1930s Countdown
(preliminary thread)
Host: Citizen Rules
Watch Period: 5-3-2018 to 9-30-2018 (5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 1930s: The Countdown
45 ballots submitted
10-6-2018 to 11-28-2018

The MoFo Top 100 Films Directed By Women Countdown: Preliminary Thread
Host: Iroquois
Watch Period: 12-15-2017 to 3-31-2018 (3.5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Films Directed By Women: The Countdown
38 ballots submitted
8-3-2018 to 9-27-2018

The MoFo Top 100 of the 1940's (preliminary thread)
Host: SilentVamp
Watch Period: 4-17-2017 to 9-3-2017 (5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the Forties: The Countdown
57 ballots submitted
9-11-2017 to 11-1-2017

The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Movie (preliminary thread)
Host: Nope1172
Watch Period: 10-7-2016 to 2-10-2017 (4 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Films: Countdown
64 ballots submitted
2-11-2017 to 4-6-2017

The MoFo Top 100 of the Fifties (preliminary thread)
Host: Rauldc14
Watch Period: 2-29-2016 to 8-10-2016 (5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the Fifties: The Countdown
67 ballots submitted
8-13-2016 to 10-7-2016

The MoFo Top 100 Documentaries
(preliminary thread)
Host: Harry Lime
Watch Period: 9-7-2015 to 1-7-2016 (4 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Documentaries Countdown

51 ballots submitted
1-11-2016 to 3-4-2016

The MoFo Top 100 of the Sixties (preliminary thread)
Host: Daniel M
Watch Period: 1-29-2015 to 6-30-2015 (5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 60s: Countdown
85 ballots submitted
7-1-2015 to 8-22-2015

The Mofo Top Animated Films List (preliminary thread)
Host: Miss Vicky
Watch Period: 9-1-2014 to 12-1-2014 (3 months)

The MoFo Top 100 Animated Films - The Countdown
79 ballots submitted
12-2-2014 to 1-29-2015

The MoFo Top 100 of the Seventies (preliminary thread)
Host: Holden Pike
Watch Period: 3-12-2014 to 7-15-2014 (4 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown
99 ballots submitted
7-16-2014 to 9-7-2014

The MoFo Comic Book Movies List (preliminary thread)
Host: The Rodent
Watch Period: 9-19-2013 to 03-31-14 (6 months)

Movie Forums: Top Comic Book Movies

aka: The MoFo Top Comic Book & Graphic Novel Movies Countdown
35 ballots submitted
04-01-14 to 04-29-14

The MoFo Top 100 of the Eighties
(preliminary thread)
Host: Skepsis93
Watch Period: 9-3-2013 to 1-15-2014 (4.5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the 80s: Countdown
62 ballots submitted
1-17-2014 to 3-11-2014

The MoFo Top 100 of the Nineties (preliminary thread)
Host: Harry Lime
Watch Period: 1-29-2013 to 7-1-2013 (5 months)

The MoFo Top 100 of the Nineties Countdown
54 ballots submitted
7-9-2013 to 9-2-2013

The MoFo Millenium Top 100
(preliminary thread)
Host: Brodinski
Watch Period: 01-03-2012 to 06-30-2012 (6 months)

The MoFo Millenium Top 100 Countdown
aka: Movie Forums: Top 100 of the Millennium
41 ballots submitted
09-10-2012 to 01-21-2013

MoFo Top 100 Movies, Part III (2010) (preliminary thread)
Host: WBadger
Watch Period: 01-19-2010 to 07-29-2010 (6 months)

Movie Forums: Top 100 (2010)

aka: The New AND Improved MoFo Top 100 Films of All-Time
42 ballots submitted
07-29-2010 to 11-01-2010

Movie Forums: Top 100 Horror Films
aka: 100 Years... 100 Horror Movies
Host: Destiny
10-01-2009 to 3-15-2010
*First MoFo Movie List

Great resource, thanks CR!

Also, I am appropriately shamed that the community did this on its own before I did a better job of redesigning the Lists area. Show across the bow, I'll get on that.

Seriously though, great job.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Note* this is a reference guide for anyone who wants to quickly find an old countdown and view it. For future host of countdowns, they can see how past host presented the various countdowns and what rules and methodology they used.

A system of cells interlinked
Great idea!

Thanks for putting this all together, CR!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
Great resource, thanks CR!

Also, I am appropriately shamed that the community did this on its own before I did a better job of redesigning the Lists area. Show across the bow, I'll get on that.

Seriously though, great job.
Thanks Chris. I actually started compiling this info to help Silent Vamp when she hosted the 1940s countdown. She wondered how long of a watch period she should have, so I found all the old countdowns and showed her what other host had chosen for a watch period length, then she decided from there.

When I hosted the 1930s countdown I constantly looked at the other countdowns to see what the other host artwork was like and what guidelines they had used. So I figure this can help out future host...and all those who want to look at old countdowns and find them easily.

Might be time to reboot some of those, which I like.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

This is VERY helpful. Especially for doing recommendations for others by seeing their remarks on any given film.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio