The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame V: Comedy Edition


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@edarsenal @Siddon

Tomorrow is the deadline May 24th, do you guys need more time? I can extend this if you do. Let me know.
just finished my last three moments ago. Getting a vote together to send over and will do write-ups tomorrow night.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Ready or Not (2019)

Ahh, those quirky family traditions like Game Night - that incidentally pops up on a wedding night. The new addition to the Uber Rich Gaming Dominion, aka Family, must pull a card from the hat to choose the game.
Typically, it's benign, everyday games.
But once in a great while, the Hide and Seek card come up, and that's what Grace (Samara Weaving) has VERY unfortunately pulled.

Blood splashing Dark Comedy with quite the competent cast, with a well-played build-up and execution. The pacing was ideal, and while I'm not a big fan of the genre, I got a big kick out of many scenes throughout the film.

f@ckin rich people. . .

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Symbol aka Shinboru (2009)

SOOOO MANY lil baby cherub penises. SOOOO MANY choices.

And I gotta say, a WHOLE lotta funny results.

Two very opposite stories eventually meet. The first begins with a hard-driving Spanish Nun jamming as she drives in the desert. I was hooked. She was f@ckin awesome.
The other. A very surprised man wakes up in a room with no exits, where he experiments pressing a tiny pee-pee down and a panel opens, and all kinds of "things" pop out.
A humorous, nonsensical venture that somersaults down the rabbit hole into a Cartoon-esque physical comedy. So, yeah, I stayed hooked.

I had purposely waited, having grown more and more curious to see this after enjoying Mad Love and thus, added to a pretty happy finale.
Great call, @ueno_station54, that was pretty f@ckin cool.

Oh, puffing beforehand - HIGHLY recommended.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Boy (2010)

Mr. Langston: People call me a dumb honky all the time. I don't go round punching them.
Boy: Why not?
Mr. Langston: Because they're usually children.

Seeing more of Taika Waititi is high ranking Wishlist for me, so a HUGE YAYYYYY to whomever for this one.

I loved this one.
A continual warm drenched smile can also achieve that pleasant afterglow effect of laughter in this life-affirming, warm ball of good feelings within Boy's "Interesting World."

An estranged dad (Taika Waititi) shows up with two buddies looking for a buried stash of cash and sees his boys again. It is a well-told fractured family story of coming together with a lot of love, awkward but honest life moments, amongst some rather beautiful and delightful moments securing an endearment to them all.

Lovely, lovely film.

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001)

Mystery Science Theater 3000 started in 1988 and ran until 1999 two years later this film came out. This is basically a film trying to be a bad science fiction film from the 60's. It tells the story of three different groups...aliens, a geologist and another scientist with a mutant girl. It's shot in the California woods and the aesthetic that it's going for is good.

The film is a mixed bag, I admire it's efforts to parody and make a "bad film" but still make it a genuine film. The problem is it's kinda one note and it's always head on. Every line is meant to be bad and you can't make a successful parody if the film is rooted in it's genre. I found myself bored and annoyed in the second act so the last hour of the film just felt like it went on forever.

Also because every character is goofy and doing a "bit" you don't really care about any of them. With no straight man it hurts the jokes landing. The gender politics of the wife/scientist works the based because it's rooted in a sense of reality. You also have a lack of variety in the humor once you get the tempo of the speech you see every punchline coming...that also makes this a rough watch. They have a monster in a rubber suit and I wondered why they couldn't find more humor with that than what we ended up with.

I won't say it's a terrible film because a number of jokes did land but more didn't.

Trouble with a capital "T"

I need to know if you are still in or out? Today is the 25th and the deadline was yesterday the 24th. I still need your voting list before I can do the reveal. If you need another week to finish we can do that BUT I need a reply back.


I need to know if you are still in or out? Today is the 25th and the deadline was yesterday the 24th. I still need your voting list before I can do the reveal. If you need another week to finish we can do that BUT I need a reply back.

Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) is that in or out?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) is that in or out?
That's is out. Suspect picked it so you don't have to watch it.

Death at a Funeral (2007) is still in. So you have one to watch, unless you've watched it, then I just need your ballot and I'll do the reveal.

Death at a Funeral (2007)

A family comes together for the funeral of a patriarch in this british comedy from 15 years ago. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong in this wacky comedy about death. This was Frank Oz's last major motion picture work as a director and you can kind of see where he's lost his magic from his earlier work.

The film is fairly breezy we go from character to character with almost a sitcom like quality to it. I think you have 5 white men in their 30's who all have a "bit" and when the bits done they are kinda shoed off to the side. The female characters are never given any depth or autonomy they are very shallow and forgettable. It's a bit of a distraction to be honest sort of a sign of a bygone era. The interchangeability of everything in this film is an issue but it does have its strong points. Peter Dinkledge plays the deceased death little person lover who is trying to get a cut of the inheritance, Peter is good in this offering subtly with his extortion.

Still the humor generally worked...I smiled a bit but rarely laughed. It reminded me of what comedies used to be like...I don't know if you would see a gay panic storyline in a film from today.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Before I start, I want to thank everyone for joining. I know comedies are a very personal taste but I hope some of you found some new favorites. I did!

Trouble with a capital "T"
my weirdest picks were for the people that ended up dropping out and i'm pretty sure i'll still be coming in last lmao.
Interesting, I wonder what would've happened if they hadn't dropped out? I think Wylde might have liked your nom pretty well, I guess we'll never know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
8 of us finished our comic journey and starting with the lowest points...

8th place
Siddon: 20 Points

Ghost Town
3rd - Citizen
With Honors 4th - Cricket
Ready or Not 5th - Edarsenal
Josie and the Pussycats 5th - Ueno
My Favorite Year 6th - Allaby
Frankenhooker 6th - Phoenix
Parade 7th - Takoma

Interesting, I wonder what would've happened if they hadn't dropped out? I think Wylde might have liked your nom pretty well, I guess we'll never know.
Wylde never posted about the kind of comedy they like but said they generally found my picks interesting so i picked the most "dumb thing i'd nominate for a hall" thing i could think of.