Slow Cinema


I watched Begotten (1990) a while ago... seriously captivating for 20 minutes or so, then I began dying to finish it (and it's only 70 mins in total)... I'm alright with slow cinema I guess, as long as something; an idea or a progression of anything remotely interesting is going on.

HEI guys.

Robert the List's Avatar
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Am giving A City of Sadness a go, but I must say I don't really rate it so far.
And it's not slow cinema as I understand it.
the puppetmaster looks a lot better (although i can't find subtitles atm)

The trick is not minding
Am giving A City of Sadness a go, but I must say I don't really rate it so far.
And it's not slow cinema as I understand it.
Haven’t seen that one yet, so can’t comment but perhaps watch:
Dust in the Wind, Daughter of The Nile, and A Time to Live, a Time to Die.

The trick is not minding
oh wow, taipei story is his. i didn't even realise. oh that is a brilliant film. (edit: no, he was screenwriter on that one)
Yeah, that’s Yang. Another good director out of Taiwan. See Terrorizers and A Bright Summer Day from Yang as well.

Robert the List's Avatar
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Yeah, that’s Yang. Another good director out of Taiwan. See Terrorizers and A Bright Summer Day from Yang as well.
Yeah, of course it's Yang. I've seen ABSD. Thought it was alright, but didn't think it justified the length. TS was lightyears better I thought personally.

Not Slow Cinema. You people will never learn...

Just because a film is slow-paced doesn't make it Slow Cinema.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Not Slow Cinema. You people will never learn...

Just because a film is slow-paced doesn't make it Slow Cinema.

Robert the List's Avatar
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Just as the best cinema in the world in the 60s was made in Europe, I'm going to say the best cinema from c1984-c2000 was made in Taiwan and Hong Kong. It's not as strong and intense as the European period, but it's still noticeable.
I'll give the 70s to America. If not for cinema then for movies.

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
It's funny with Yang.
Terrorizers is very similar in style to Taipei Story (both gorgeous films), and One Day at the Beach is very similar to A Brighter Summer Day.

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
I'm not getting the fuss about Ho so far.
I'm sure Puppet Master is great on the original film, but the earlier stuff, hmmm.
It ain't in the same league as Yang's best.

edit: dust in the wind is growing on me

Robert the List's Avatar
Registered User
35 minutes into Dust in The Wind.
I don't know:
-who any of the characters are
-whether any of the characters in the current scene have been in a previous scene
-if so what they were doing then
-what's going on
-anything that's gone on previously

but i'm still enjoying it.

The flip over mechanical printing machines were genius. I could watch those for 90 minutes.

Tell me about the first 45 minutes of the film
Well, there's someone who had a job in a printing shop, and someone who has a job ironing clothes. Some people met for street foot dinner, and some people had lunch in like a back of house area at a theatre.

What else?
I don't know.