Why do songwriters run out of ideas as they get older?


Almost without exception.

a tough question, i know

Because songs are about having something to say in a new way and it's only when you're young that it's new. That, or song writers as you're thinking of them sing the songs they write and so they're stuck to what works/what they hear. If you just write songs for anyone to sing I'm guessing this age thing doesn't work quite so easily/well as it does in your head.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The well goes dry... 10-15 years seems to be the max. Then, it's bad recycling.
even for the big names it seems.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
a tough question, i know
No, i mean can you elaborate on the thread title and topic other than saying almost without exception? Is it a given fact that songwriters run out of ideas as they get older? Some? All? Maybe. I don't know from the opening post though.

To help, I'm sure there are several factors as to why one could run out of ideas. Or at least reach a plateau of creativity. Life changes. As do interests and the time remaining to pursue those interests. Perhaps the external muse has gone. Maybe self discipline has waned and interests have shifted.

It's difficult to argue for or against one position or another without some frame of reference. Anecdotally, I have not written music is probably more than two years. I wouldn't say that this is because I am out of ideas though. In my case, much of my music came from emotional lows usually created by the people I chose to keep close to me. I have since closed a few doors, so to speak, to that negativity. Doing so has removed so many negative patterns that would inevitably lead to some emotional inspiration in music, writing, drawing, whatever. Suddenly, I find myself is a weird and unfamiliar positive mindset. I don't know what to do with myself, as I am now more excited in other aspects of my life.

I question that shift often. Perhaps it's age. Perhaps it's the tilt of the galaxy. Who knows. What I do know, however, is that Bowie was prolific. As are several artists that I listen to regularly.

Hm. I suppose you cannot discount the market tastes, but I would hope that would only affect commercial sales of work rather than the creation of it.

Are there any artists in particular that you were thinking of when posting?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

No, i mean can you elaborate on the thread title and topic other than saying almost without exception? Is it a given fact that songwriters run out of ideas as they get older? Some? All? Maybe. I don't know from the opening post though.

To help, I'm sure there are several factors as to why one could run out of ideas. Or at least reach a plateau of creativity. Life changes. As do interests and the time remaining to pursue those interests. Perhaps the external muse has gone. Maybe self discipline has waned and interests have shifted.

It's difficult to argue for or against one position or another without some frame of reference. Anecdotally, I have not written music is probably more than two years. I wouldn't say that this is because I am out of ideas though. In my case, much of my music came from emotional lows usually created by the people I chose to keep close to me. I have since closed a few doors, so to speak, to that negativity. Doing so has removed so many negative patterns that would inevitably lead to some emotional inspiration in music, writing, drawing, whatever. Suddenly, I find myself is a weird and unfamiliar positive mindset. I don't know what to do with myself, as I am now more excited in other aspects of my life.

I question that shift often. Perhaps it's age. Perhaps it's the tilt of the galaxy. Who knows. What I do know, however, is that Bowie was prolific. As are several artists that I listen to regularly.

Hm. I suppose you cannot discount the market tastes, but I would hope that would only affect commercial sales of work rather than the creation of it.

Are there any artists in particular that you were thinking of when posting?
Elton John and Billy Joel, for instance.

As songwriters age, their life experiences and perspectives change. They might find it challenging to relate to or express the same themes and emotions they once did, leading to a perceived lack of inspiration or new ideas.
Slope Game

Everyone runs out of ideas when they get older
Novelists seem to do ok.

You ready? You look ready.
the only time that an artist/band truly gets worse is when money no longer becomes a problem for them (i.e. they have a lot of it). i don't believe in the "once you're old you have nothing left to contribute" mindset. seems kinda ageist to me
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
Only so much lightning in a bottle...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

the only time that an artist/band truly gets worse is when money no longer becomes a problem for them (i.e. they have a lot of it). i don't believe in the "once you're old you have nothing left to contribute" mindset. seems kinda ageist to me
Yes, this.

I think that a lot of great art comes from experiences and, yes, struggle. Once you have millions of dollars . . . you just don't have those experiences and challenges necessarily.

That said, I think that people like Nick Cave or Iris Dement immediately spring to mind as people who have been successful producing music later in life and still engaging with their art in an impactful way. A friend recently saw Lucinda Williams in concert--she was still recovering from her stroke--but said that her performance and music was great.

I also think, I don't know, maybe it's easy to see why coasting on what you've done well is appealing? If the performing side of things is what you love more than the writing/producing part, then you can cruise around performing.

You ready? You look ready.
Only so much lightning in a bottle...
if i could save lightning in a bottle, the first thing that i’d like to do. is make sure that i’m grounded so i don’t get zapped like a fool… lol

There's only two songs in me and I just wrote the third
Don't know where I got the inspiration or how I wrote the words
Spent my whole life just digging up my music's shallow grave
For the two songs in me and the third one I just made

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wonder if 'songwriters running out of ideas as they get older' idea is due to fans comparing the latest songs of a long established and beloved artist to what they did in their youth and then viewing that through nostalgia rose colored glasses. We all love the new thing but is it really better than the older established thing?

the only time that an artist/band truly gets worse is when money no longer becomes a problem for them (i.e. they have a lot of it). i don't believe in the "once you're old you have nothing left to contribute" mindset. seems kinda ageist to me
"You've changed, man. It used to be about the music."

I wonder if 'songwriters running out of ideas as they get older' idea is due to fans comparing the latest songs of a long established and beloved artist to what they did in their youth and then viewing that through nostalgia rose colored glasses. We all love the new thing but is it really better than the older established thing?
When it comes to music the new thing is not better than the older established thing. When I say older, I mean 80s and 90s.