The Baker's Dozen Movie Game Thread


This is my first thread on this site and I can't believe I have finaly made 25 posts... I thought I would never get there and I almost gave up on it...LOL But KLAATU has arrived so let the games begin!

Ok, I saw this game on another site (some of you may also have seen it) and I have not seen it here so I would like to start the game; The idea and rules are simple; every one gets one chance in each round to submit an answer and who ever has the 13th hit WOW - you get to start the next round. I have placed an example for you to have a look at and I have also started the 1st game; Good luck and may the force be with you!


QUESTION: Name 13 movies that have aliens in the plot?

1: Aliens
2: ET
3: Starship Troopers
4: Battlefield Earth
5: Satrman
6: Mission to Mars
7: My parents are aliens
8: Earth girs are easy
9: Men in Black
10: Preditor
11: The Thing
12: The day the Earth stood still
13: Independance day

Ok, I thnk you guys get the idea... the twist to this game is to make the new question as difficult or as interesting as possible to keep us guessing thus I have introduced the new question


Name 13 movies that have a gay character in the main role:

1: Pricilla Queen of the desert.

18 years and 1000 (technically 999, I guess) pages later, we are back on aliens.

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two
9. John Carter

A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two
9. John Carter
10. Avatar

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two
9. John Carter
10. Avatar
11. Forbidden Planet

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two
9. John Carter
10. Avatar
11. Forbidden Planet
12. Flash Gordon

13 Movies That Take Place On Another Planet

1. Prometheus
2. The Martian
3. Solaris
4. Fantastic Planet
5. Predators
6. Enemy Mine
7. Pitch Black
8. Dune: Part Two
9. John Carter
10. Avatar
11. Forbidden Planet
12. Flash Gordon
13. Star Wars

13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow
3. Pulp Fiction

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow
3. Pulp Fiction
4. I, Daniel Blake
5. Missing
6. Wild At Heart

13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow
3. Pulp Fiction
4. I, Daniel Blake
5. Missing
6. Wild at Heart
7. Barton Fink
8. Apocalypse Now

13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow
3. Pulp Fiction
4. I, Daniel Blake
5. Missing
6. Wild at Heart
7. Barton Fink
8. Apocalypse Now
9. Dancer in the Dark

13 Palm d'Or Winners at the Cannes Film Festival

1. Paris, Texas
2. Scarecrow
3. Pulp Fiction
4. I, Daniel Blake
5. Missing
6. Wild at Heart
7. Barton Fink
8. Apocalypse Now
9. Dancer in the Dark
10. Titane