Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Re-watch. Dark & disturbing.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Just saw “Us”.solid 9/10
Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Feels like an original trilogy Star Wars movie but without the Skywalker's family drama mixed in. Very well paced and executed adventure movie, way better than Last Jedi, which felt less like a Star Wars movie and more like some sort of fanfiction using Star Wars media properties. This one is all around entertaining and effective in a way only A New Hope was, and its ending is actually quite powerful.

While Disney might be using Star Wars as a cash grab brand I really enjoyed creative anthology movies like this one set in the same universe as the original movies but still functioning as standalone movies rather than being actual sequels.
It’s got to be my favorite Star Wars film thus far

The House of the Devil (2009)

A (really) slow paced retro horror. I liked the concept and style but there wasn't enough content for full length movie. Just cut 30 minutes or so off and it'll be good.

The Dirt (2019)

I've never been a Mötley Crëw fan but I've been expecting this film for a while. It's definitely better than Bohemian Rhapsody but especially towards the end it kinda loses cohesion and rushes its happy(ish) ending from nowhere. Worth a watch for sure but just a mild disappointment.


Amazed that I’ve never seen this movie before. John Hurt incredible as Smith. Terrifying movie in many scenes.

Amazed that I’ve never seen this movie before. John Hurt incredible as Smith. Terrifying movie in many scenes.
I've never seen it – maybe that's why…

Under the Silver Lake (2018)

If ever a film was going to get mixed reviews, it would be this one. Although I'll sit on the side of the fans. Has a Neo-noir, Lynchian, pop culture feel to it with some dark moments. Some funny moments too and I liked the score. Not sure why it needed to be close to 2 1/2 hours long but its a fun movie. Interested to hear what others think.
I thought it was an interesting update of the classical noir style, especially the long scenes in which the protagonist tailed the girl in the cars around the city. The filming and music reminded me a lot of Vertigo. Did you notice they used no strings-- only brass and woodwinds? Very Herrmannesque...

So on that level I enjoyed it. About 2/3rds of the way through, though, it started coming off the rails. It got a little silly. And why must the male protagonist generally have to be either a stoner, a schlemiel, a putz, or all 3? Do women think, "Oh, that guy is such a milquetoast loser, he just really turns me on."? I suppose that's what Generation Z'ers expect.

Anyway, like you, I'm sure people will have wildly varying reactions to the film.


'Us' (2019)

Very decent 2nd effort from Jordan Peele. Lupita Nyong'o is absolutely fantastic. There is symbolism and foreshadowing everywhere. And a couple of twists.

I took it as a frank statement about poverty in america and the ever increasing gap between the haves and the have nots. But Peele is able to convert that statement into a very cleverly, interweaved narrative that jumps back and forth through time, gives us a few headscratching clues and dumps us in an almost apocalyptic nightmare scenario that makes us think well beyond the end credits.

It's bound to be compared to Get Out, and personally I thought it was better than Get out, which was fine but also very overrated.

Horror isn't my favourite genre. But this is what a horror film should be like. Intelligent thought provoking and powerful with an element of creepyness.


Laggies (2014)

Aliens (1986)

Night School (2018)

Hands of the Ripper (1971)

Jack the Ripper continues his murdering spree through his daughter. It's a Hammer film that feels and looks very Italian but is in fact some sort of a pseudo-slasher. Some silly stuff on the script but oddly entertaining.

Morituri (1965)

Starring Marlon Brando, Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard and Janet Margolin. Despite being shaky and somewhat bloated, the film is worth a watch, especially for Brando's performance as a pacifist ex-pat German who was blackmailed into the service of the allies during WWII.

The film has some unique for its time cinematography and camera techniques. Reportedly Brando's demands and interruptions significantly added on to the budget, and the film may not have made a profit. Brynner and Howard gave workmanlike but interesting performances. Presumably a different screen writer might have made a more cohesive suspenseful story.

The title is part of the problem. The public was surely confused over the meaning of "morituri" (loosely, "they who are about to die"). In subsequent releases Twentieth Century Fox altered the title to The Saboteur: Code Name Morituri; but it's doubtful that it helped the box office.

Doc's rating: 6/10, mostly for Brando's performance.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Street Car Named Desire

9th Re-watch...After over 50 years, it's still my favorite lead actor performance...Marlon Brando is nothing short of electrifying.

Brando is amazing in it, and if you liked him here you need to see him in On the Waterfront

Brando is amazing in it, and if you liked him here you need to see him in On the Waterfront
I can't really explain why, but I have never had any desire to watch On the Waterfront, but I really will someday...it's an important part of cinema history and won Brandon his first Oscar...I have to admit I've always wondered if his Waterfront Oscar was a consolation prize for being robbed for Streetcar...and he was robbed. I have seen The African Queen and Brando was robbed.

Just didn't get into this. The only part I really enjoyed was the song and dance with the kids. The rest is pretty forgettable. I did like Oscar Levant but wish Leslie Caron had more to do. At least I can cross off the Best Pictures I Still Need To See list.

Not having my song and dance itch scratched with AAiP I figured I'd give this a whirl. I had read somewhere that it's "one of MGM's best" and I really liked it. To me this is what musicals are all about. It's just fun. Good story, great songs/dancing and having Cyd Charrise in your movie is never a bad thing.

Army of Shadows, L'armée des ombres 1969

The Leopard, Il Gattopardo 1963

Great scenery, locations, set design, costume design, and steamy love affairs.
Burt Lancaster, with a baws performance!
Some overacting by Cardinale, but who cares?, it's Claudia Cardinale

Captain Marvel 4DX 3D 2019


Movie+4DX 3D experience: