Jeff's Reading Journey


Began June 10, 2024 - ending around 2030


I had said a few days ago that only a small portion of my reading time would be for entertainment based books, but it appears to me that i may want to re-think that. Not every single SK book is here but this is what i am pleased with, and by the time my grand journey is wrapped up, i hope there’d be at least 2 new SK novels before his time is up, even though i keep hearing in reviews that he’s too political, i see it rather that he’s a chronicler of the current times whenever he happens to be writing, for good or ill. Nostalgically i take to his early 90’s novels the most, around ‘95 i had been exposed to Nietzsche who changed everything, coming back to King this day feels like i’m returning to an idyllic state of innocence, a time where the book was scary, not life itself.

This entry shall be devoted to just the entertainment reads while i still have SK to read, after this long journey which may indeed require more than 100 other novels, because i don't want SK to be most of what is being read in this category. In other entries in this thread i shall be covering other categories, including theology, philosophy, history, true crime, feminism, and disturbing/depressing books.

If just one person gets an idea of what they'll read next, and does so, and then enjoys it, then my time here making this document isn't wholly selfish, and was of some use.

I begin with a cluster of King

Carrie / The Dark Half and Mr. Mercedes, with more i might put into the mix, along with Night Film by Marisha Pessl.

1 - Carrie - 1974 -- 13%
2 - ‘Salem’s Lot - 1975
3 - Rage - 1976
4 - The Shining - 1977
5 - The Stand - 1978
6 - The Long Walk - 1978
7 - Night Shift - 1978
8 - The Dead Zone - 1979
9 - Firestarter - 1980
10 - Roadwork - 1980
11 - Cujo - 1981
12 - The Running Man - 1981
13 - Danse Macabre - 1981
14 - The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - 1982
15 - Different Seasons - 1982
16 - Christine - 1983
17 - Pet Sematary - 1983
18 - Cycle of the Werewolf - 1983
19 - The Talisman - 1984
20 - Thinner - 1984
21 - Skeleton Crew - 1985
22 - IT - 1986
23 - The Eyes of the Dragon - 1987
24 - The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - 1987
25 - Misery - 1987
26 - The Tommyknockers - 1987
27 - The Dark Half - 1989 -- 5%
28 - Four Past Midnight - 1990
29 - The Dark Tower: The Wastelands - 1991
30 - Needful Things - 1991
31 - Gerald’s Game - 1992
32 - Dolores Claiborne - 1993
33 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes - 1993
34 - Insomnia - 1994
35 - Rose Madder - 1995
36 - The Regulators - 1995
37 - The Green Mile - 1996
38 - Desperation - 1996
39 - The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass - 1997
40 - Bag of Bones - 1998
41 - The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon - 1999
42 - Hearts in Atlantis - 1999
43 - On Writing - 2000
44 - Dreamcatcher - 2001
45 - Black House - 2001
46 - From a Buick 8 - 2002
47 - Everything’s Eventual - 2002
48 - The Dark Tower: Wolves of Calla - 2003
49 - The Dark Tower: Song of Susannah - 2004
50 - The Dark Tower VII - 2004
51 - The Colorado Kid - 2005
52 - Cell - 2006
53 - Lisey’s Story - 2006
54 - Blaze - 2006
55 - Duma Key - 2008
56 - Just After Sunset - 2008
57 - Under the Dome - 2009
58 - Stephen King Goes to the Movies - 2009
59 - Full Dark, No Stars - 2010
60 - 11/22/63 - 2011
61 - The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole - 2012
62 - Joyland - 2013
63 - Doctor Sleep - 2013
64 - Mr. Mercedes - 2014 -- 2%
65 - Revival - 2014
66 - Finders Keepers - 2015
67 - The Bazaar of Bad Dreams - 2015
68 - End of Watch - 2016
69 - Sleeping Beauties - 2017
70 - Gwendy’s Button Box - 2017
71 - The Outsider - 2018
72 - Elevation - 2018
73 - The Institute - 2019
74 - Gwendy’s Magic Feather - 2020
75 - If It Bleeds - 2020
76 - Later - 2021
77 - Billy Summers - 2021
78 - Gwendy’s Final Task - 2022
79 - Fairy Tale - 2022

at least 100 entertaining novels

1 - Night Film -- 2% -- supposed to be scary, and it has pictures!! If and when i finish a book i'll hop on over to the official book thread and boast about it there, this thread here is just a plain old document of a reader who divides his time between his kindle, film collection, dad, and sleep.
2 - American Psycho -- 2% -- i love the movie and i always heard how the book is so much more extreme, but i've failed at trying to read it, as it seems too full of descriptions and names of things. I hope to get through it this time.


Here is a list of most of the names in my "March of the holy scribblers", i shall edit in other names, collections and whatnot to eventually give a fuller and more accurate picture. Some current sources have no discernible date of birth when i google their name so that is one reason they didn't make this rudimentary list.

Collections include the complete Early Church Fathers, which contain some fellas who only wrote a letter or 2, or the equivalent for what was extant circa late 1800's when the public domain edition was done that made it so cheap for a 2020 hipster to add it to his kindle.

Some of the names below may be seen as unchristian to other believers, it is the umbrella of Christianity that this collection exists, and may well expand to everything that treats of it in addition to those who espoused it.

Justin Martyr (100 - 165)
Irenaeus (130 - 202)
Clement of Alexandria (150 - 215)
Tertullian (160 - 220)
Origen (185 - 253)
Cyprian (210 - 258) —-
Eusebius (260-265 - 339)
Athanasius (296-298 - 397)
Cyril of Jerusalem (313 - 386)
Gregory Nazianzen (329 - 390)
Saint Basil (330 - 379)
Gregory of Nyssa (335 - 395)
Saint Ambrose (339 - 397)
Jerome (342 - 420)
John Chrysostom (347 - 407)
Augustine (354 - 430)
John Cassian (360 - 435) —--
Cyril of Alexandria (376 - 444)
Benedict of Nursia (480 - 548)
John Climacus (579 - 649)
John of Damascus (675-676 - 749?)
Anselm (1033 - 1109)
Bernard of Clarveuax (1090 - 1153)
St Francis of Assisi (1181 - 1226) —-
Saint Bonaventure (1221 - 1274) —
Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274)
Meister Eckhart (1260 - 1328)
Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)
Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)
William Tyndale (1494 - 1536)
Menno Simons (1496 - 1561)
Philip Melanchton (1497 - 1560)
Heinrich Bullinger (1504 - 1575)
John Calvin (1509 - 1564)
John Knox (1514 - 1572)
St Teresa of Avila (1515 - 1582)
Theodore Beza (1519 - 1605)
St John of the Cross (1542 - 1591)
Franciscus Junius (1545 - 1602)
William Perkins (1558 - 1602)
Jacobus Arminius (1560 - 1609)
Amandus Polanus (1561 - 1610)
Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622)
William Ames (1576 - 1633)
Richard Sibbes (1577 - 1635)
Thomas Hooker (1586 - 1647)
Thomas Goodwin (1600 - 1680)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1600 - 1646)
Samuel Rutherford (1600 - 1661)
John Trapp (1601 - 1669)
Mary of Agreda (1602 - 1665)
Thomas Shepard (1605 - 1649)
William Spurstowe (1605 - 1666)
Thomas Brooks (1608 - 1680)
Jeremy Taylor (1613 - 1667)
Richard Baxter (1615 - 1691)
John Owen (1616 - 1683)
William Gurnall (1616 - 1679)
Thomas Manton (1620 - 1677)
Thomas Watson (1620 - 1686)
Edward Polhill (1622 - 1694)
Francis Turretin (1623 - 1687)
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Matthew Poole (1624 - 1679)
William Bates (1625 - 1699)
John Flavel (1627 - 1691)
George Swinnock (1627 - 1673)
Stephen Charnock (1628 - 1680)
John Bunyan (1628 - 1688)
Walter Marshall (1628 - 1680)
Petrus van Mastricht (1630 - 1706)
John Howe (1630 - 1705)
Matthew Mead (1630 - 1699)
Joseph Alleine (1634 - 1688)
Ezekiel Hopkins (1634 - 1690)
Thomas Vincent (1634 - 1678)
Wilhelmus a Brakel (1635 - 1711)
Herman Witsius (1636 - 1708)
Robert Traill (1642 - 1716)
Madame Guyon (1648 - 1717)
Henry Scougal (1650 - 1678)
Francois Fenelon (1651 - 1715)
Benedict Pictet (1655 - 1724)
Matthew Henry (1662 - 1714)
Thomas Boston (1676 - 1732)
William Law (1686 - 1761)
Anne Dutton (1692 - 1765)
Alphonsus Liguori (1696 - 1787)
John Gill (1697 - 1771)
Jonathan Edwards (1703 - 1758)
John Wesley (1703 - 1791)
Theodorus Van Der Groe (1705 - 1784)
Alban Butler (1710 - 1773)
George Whitefield (1714 - 1770)
John Woolman (1720 - 1772)
John Brown (1722 - 1787)
John William Fletcher (1729 - 1785)
Charles Simeon (1759 - 1836)
Adam Clarke (1762 - 1832)
Peter Cartwright (1785 - 1872)
Charles Finney (1792 - 1875)
Charles Bridges (1794 - 1869)
Jean-Henri Merle d”Aubigne (1794 - 1872)
Charles Hodge (1797 - 1878)
John Henry Newman (1801 - 1890)
Johann Peter Lange (1802 - 1884)
William Cunningham (1805 - 1861)
James Bannerman (1807 - 1868)
Phoebe Palmer (1807 - 1874)
James Aitken Wylie (1808 - 1890)
Octavius Winslow (1808 - 1878)
Horatius Bonar (1808 - 1889)
Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)
J.C. Ryle (1816 - 1900)
Charles Ellicott (1819 - 1905)
Philip Schaff (1819 - 1893)
R.L Dabney (1820 - 1898)
W.G.T. Shedd (1820 - 1894)
A.A. Hodge (1823 - 1886)
Andrew Murray (1828 - 1917)
Hannah Whitall Smith (1832 - 1911)
Charles Spurgeon (1834 - 1892)
Augustus Hopkins Strong (1836 - 1921)
Abraham Kuyper (1837 - 1920)
D.L. Moody (1837 - 1899)
J.R. Miller (1840 - 1912)
A.B. Simpson (1843 - 1919)
Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844 - 1924)
BB Warfield (1851 - 1921)
Herman Bavinck (1854 - 1921)
R.A. Torrey (1856 - 1928)
Reuben A. Robinson (1860 - 1942)
Samuel Logan Brengle (1860 - 1936)
Geerhardus Vos (1862 - 1949)
G Campbell Morgan (1863 - 1945)
John G. Lake (1870 - 1935)
Robert Hugh Benson (1871 - 1914)
Frank Bartleman (1871 - 1936)
Louis Berkhof (1873 - 1957)
G.K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)
F.B. Meyer (1874 - 1929)
Oswald Chambers (1874 - 1917)
J. Gresham Machen (1881 - 1937)
A.W. Pink (1886 - 1952)
Paul Tillich (1886 - 1965)
Klaas Schilder (1890 - 1952)
Aimee Semple McPhersen (1890 - 1944)
Cornelius Van Til (1895 - 1987)
Fulton Sheen (1895 - 1979)
A.W. Tozer (1897 - 1963)
C.S. Lewis (1898 - 1963)
John Murray (1898 - 1975)
Martyn Lloyd -Jones (1899 - 1981)
J Vernon McGee (1904 - 1988)
Hannah Hurnard (1905 - 1990)
Simone Weil (1909 - 1943)
William Branham (1909 - 1965)
Francis Schaeffer (1912 - 1984)
R.J. Rushdoony (1916 - 2001)
Warren Wiersbe (1929 - 2019)
Robert L Reymond (1932 - 2013)
R.C. Sproul (1939 - 2017)
John Frame (1939 - )
John MacArthur (1939 - )
John Piper (1946 - )
Robert Lethem (1947 - )
Wayne Grudem (1948 - )
Richard A. Muller (1948 - )
Greg Bahnsen (1948 - 1995)
Joel R Beeke (1952 - )
Michael Horton (1964 - )
Carl Trueman (1967 - )