Movie that makes you finish your popcorn quickest


You go the same cinema on your own every week to watch a different movie.
Every week you go in with a large tub of popcorn. You don't start to eat it until the main feature begins.
What film can you think of which would make you finish your popcorn the quickest?

Let me logic this out. Popcorn makes me drink a lot of soda. Soda is going to make me need to use the bathroom quite a bit. So I'm going to be missing bits of the movie here and there, so it should really be a re-release of a movie I've seen before, so I don't mind.

Also, I very rarely finish all the popcorn, so it have to be long. In order for the bathroom breaks to not detract from the movie, I'm going to assume this has to be pushing 3 hours.

So it's a movie I've seen before, that's pushing 3 hours, but I am fine with missing bits here and there..

Lord of the Rings The Two Towers

There, that's the movie. If you're looking for a general type of movie, then it's action fantasy epics, that aren't too dark.

I don't need a reason to eat popcorn quickly

"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"
I can never finish a large popcorn. I usually get a kids pack as that is the right size popcorn for me. Even yesterday at AMC, I didn't finish it and it was the 35th Anniversary of Tim Burton's Batman I was seeing.

Eating popcorn very fast can upset your stomach, so hopefully the answer is "none"

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ugh, the smell of movie theater popcorn makes me wrench. In fact I think I just lost my appetite for lunch....Wait a minute, I'm still hungry just not for movie popcorn.

I can never finish a large popcorn. I usually get a kids pack...
I almost always get the smallest size, and it's still $5

"You're insane!" "I thought I was a Pisces!"
I almost always get the smallest size, and it's still $5
My AMC Theatre small is a large and the large is like an XX large.

OK, so on the popcorn size. I take your point(s). My bad.

We can change it from a large to a standard sized portion that you are comfortable taking into the theatre. Same size every week.

Two Mules for Sister Sara. It's a subconscious thing, really...mules can do a number on a bag of popcorn, so I'm compelled to finish it before they would.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I hate popcorn, and even if I liked popcorn, I would never pay those movie theater prices anyway.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I can never finish a large popcorn. I usually get a kids pack as that is the right size popcorn for me. Even yesterday at AMC, I didn't finish it and it was the 35th Anniversary of Tim Burton's Batman I was seeing.

Did you get the AMC Theatres Batman 85th Anniversary Popcorn Bucket?