Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis


One thing I forgot to add in my review: the film as presented on Monday was with the "live participation" that Coppola had suggested he would like to have included with all showings of the movie (I don't believe it will be).

It is one of the absolute coolest things in any movie ever, despite being an incredibly simple idea.

At one point halfway through the movie, a live actor stepped up to a microphone set up by the side of the screen and asked a question to Cesar (Adam Driver's character). The question was a thoughtful one, and then Cesar seemed to think for a few seconds, and then answered the question, looking in the direction of the live actor off screen.

I don't know if this has ever been done in a major movie directed by someone of Coppola's stature, but it was incredibly fun and offbeat.

I absolutely love this movie and can't wait to watch it again. And again. And again.

I did not take a photo of the "live participation" scene in the movie, but someone who did shared it in social media:

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