Films you sometimes really like and sometimes don't


Pierrot Le Fou
Sometimes I find myself almost hypnotised by it. It makes me feel tranquil.
Other times I just see it for the irreverent nonsense and waste of time that it is.
I also usually find Anna Karina really attractive, but sometimes find her frivolous and a bit annoying. I think these things are unconnected, but there may be some connection.

Zach Snyder's Watchmen. I really like it sometimes and really dislike it other times... and always in the same viewing.

Fascinating mess... and Malin Akerman here belongs to that Sci-Fi babes hall of fame we talked about before.

HEI guys.

The Master is another one that takes a couple of watches before it melts.

I'm like this with every Terry Gilliam movie that isn't Brazil, 12 Monkeys or Time Bandits. I like a lot of things in the rest of his work, but I'm not sure if I like the entire products. They come across like the work of someone who won't let anything be changed or removed and thus seem like pizzas that have every ingredient in the restaurant. Sure, you might really like one bite, but the next one might be flavorless or make you want to spit it out.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
My Fair Lady. I don't care much for the overall story. And I'm not a fan of musicals. But the lyrics to the songs are just so entertaining and quotable that I frequently dip into them for posts and such. Yet, on a "recent" (well, like within the past five years) rewatch I realized how misogynistic it is. Even as a kid, watching it for the first time, I absolutely hated the way Eliza is treated in that final, closing scene. But then I can't resist sometimes:

Let a woman in your life,
And you're up against a wall.
Make a plan and you will find
She has something else in mind,
And so rather than do either
You do something else that neither likes at all.

It falls into the category of "guilty pleasure."
Scarecrow: I haven't got a brain ... only straw. Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain? Scarecrow: I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they? Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.