Spider-Man III


Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Originally Posted by B-card
What is the whole idea of Venom then?!?And one other thing how did the symbiote reached earth from what I know in the Animated series two astrounauts crashed into brooklyn bridge after the symbiote atacked them and then Spiderman saved them and his costume was all messed up with the symbiote is this going to be in the movie the whole Shuttle crash and stuff(sorry I don't reed comics and don't know much of the original story)
I had heard that the end of Spiderman 2 was supposed to be very different than it actually ended.
There was going to be a scene with Jameson's astronaut son on Mars with a black ooze crawling up his leg but they decided against it.

In the Ultimate Marvel universe the Venom symbiote isn't even alien in origin. It was created by peter's scientist parents as a cure for cancer.

In the comics Spidey got it from an alien machine on another planet during the Secret Wars. He thought the device was a costume creator so he used it to fashion himself some new threads when his original costume was distroyed and it wasn't until he got back to Earth til he realized it was using his unconscous body while he slept that he decided to get rid of it.

I'm not sure which way the new movie will be going for an origin for it this time around.
Fear the Probe!

If anybody here and can you answer this questions please for me please.

Is Venom putting that black stuff that was crawling on Peter's body to turn him black?

Is Peter a villian himself when he is turned completely black or is Eddie Brock taking over his body to become Venom.

Sorry if it doesn't make since to you.

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by moviemat
If anybody here and can you answer this questions please for me please.

Is Venom putting that black stuff that was crawling on Peter's body to turn him black?

Is Peter a villian himself when he is turned completely black or is Eddie Brock taking over his body to become Venom.
The black stuff is actually the black suit you see Spider-Man wearing. It has a mind of its own. When Peter wears the black suit, his personality changes to something mean and unstable, and -- although he never becomes a villain -- does things he normally wouldn't do.

After a long while, Peter throws the black suit away. But it crawls off and takes over Eddie Brock, who -- by wearing that suit -- becomes the Venom.

That's about as basic as anyone will be able to explain it.

Someone needs their fill.
Originally Posted by B-card
There is bit of mystery around that suit and how Spiderman recived it in the movie that is.
I was under the assumption that John Jameson was to go into space and find the symbiote. Or it was to latch on board. They have a science element to every film, mostly just mad scientists but you get the idea.

yeah thats same way i thought they were going to introduce it considering they already introduced jamesons son as an astronaut so i assumed they were going to send him into space and use the version where the symbiote attaches itself to the ship which comes back to earth.

Thanks Sleezy, I would'nt ever get it for you didn't answer my question.
I sorry, I couldn't quote it because of the computer.

Registered User
I hope no one forgot that this also brings Carnage into the picture as well.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Originally Posted by Kaged
I hope no one forgot that this also brings Carnage into the picture as well.
Where Venom is an ultimately angry Spidey on steroids...
Carnage is Spidey gone completely and homicidally insane.

Movie Forums Member
HI all,

CARNAGE!! The ultimate baddie!! I HOPE TO HELL he gets in the movies somewhere!!

Originally Posted by pavo_roddy
HI all,

CARNAGE!! The ultimate baddie!! I HOPE TO HELL he gets in the movies somewhere!!
Lets keep it real,Venom and Sandman are enough Fiction for this Spiderman

First off I am so excited about this movie. I have loved the Spiderman films so far and I doubt this one will disappoint. At first glance I thought there was going to be way to much going on. I mean with Spidey having to go up against Sandman, Harry Osborn, and Venom, plus his whole inner struggle thing.
WARNING: "Possible Spoiler" spoilers below
Then I read that Venom doesn't come into play until the end (meaning Eddie Brock doesn't get taken over until the end) and I was relieved.
. Having said that I don't think Carnage will be in this movie at all, if they bring him into it, it would have to be in a Spiderman 4.
Any good villian is the hero of their own story.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
The thing is, do we even really need another symbiote in Spidey 4?
Wouldn't venom be enough?
I'd rather start seeing some of web-head's other Rogues Gallery baddies after venom.

Lizard, Mysterio, Scorpion, Electro, Shocker, Kraven, Vulture and Silver Sable and especially the Black Cat (who started out as an adversary).

I think an eventual Sinister Six story in a movie would be sweet and they could substitute Goblin and Doc Ock (because of their deadness) with a couple other interesting villains.

Originally Posted by Sci-Fi-Guy
The thing is, do we even really need another symbiote in Spidey 4?
Wouldn't venom be enough?
I'd rather start seeing some of web-head's other Rogues Gallery baddies after venom.

Lizard, Mysterio, Scorpion, Electro, Shocker, Kraven, Vulture and Silver Sable and especially the Black Cat (who started out as an adversary).

I think an eventual Sinister Six story in a movie would be sweet and they could substitute Goblin and Doc Ock (because of their deadness) with a couple other interesting villains.
I don't think Carnage is needed at all, Venom is plenty for me. Also, I agree with you about the sinister six, plus we have Harry to take his fathers place.

Sandman is the thief's boss and sandman sent the thief do the job that is to steal the money and car, and Sandman must have killed Ben Parker all by him self.

Movie Forums Member
Hi all,

All I mean of Carnage being in the movieS somewheres, is just that....There will most likely be more movies beyond 3, and I would like it if he shows up......I also think that it would be too much for him to be in there in a 4th film, and would also appreciate other baddies to be in 4......

Venom doesn't make an apperence in the 3rd, right, I mean... what are they doing?

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Yeah Venom is in it.

Also, that trailer is so funny!