Time travel movie help


I remember watching this about 3 or 4 years ago its an older flick probably 50's or 60's but it was in color. It was about a scientist who built a time machine that kind of looked like a mix of santas sleigh and a fan boat i think he went through a few time periods and eventualy went so far in time he went to this one time called X or somthing like that i remember a bunch of blonde women sunbatheing or somthing. the scientist also helped the people get rid of the evil monkey monster things. sorry thats all i remember i also think it might be an HG wells movie.

You beat me to it swan i to love this movie i was up north and really bored i found a bunch of vhs in a closet and popped this one in and it was soo cool even for a movie in the 1960s this would definately be on the top 100 im working on