
Actually I have the perfect place for it. I have a scar from when I cut myself in high school, and I was going to have the tip of the blade touch the end of the scar, as if... you know... the tattoo cut me.

hmm...where on your body?
its all down to personal style really. personally im not very fond of coloured tattos because from a distance it just look like
a mash.

but if you like it,and think you will like it 30 years from now,then go for it

Nah, it'd look a bit like this.

I don't like that version of the tattoo. Too dark. Too dark orange. I wouldn't want that 30 years from now.

I would do it in black and white.

If you gotta have colors pick a lighter orange and make it less dominante on the piece. A bit faded and a bit rough.

I like this pumpkin tattoo. I think it's supposed to be like the pumpkin from the opening credits of Halloween.
Click image for larger version

Name:	pumpkin.jpg
Views:	548
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	25849  

remember to take into consideration that your shape might change. if your plan on loosing weight or start working out etc
or gain weight for that matter.

ive seen a few on people upper arms that they got before they started working out and it almost looks like those tiger stripes women get when their skin breaks when they`re pregnant.

Just saying. Im thinking of a new tattoo aswell,i really want my dogs paw prints. but unsure where to put it. i want it on my foot ( below my toes) but i am incredibly ticklish and cant stand people touching my feet so i dont know if it would work

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One of my best purchases over the years, been listening all week, summer adventure ♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♫ ♪


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San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

Amazing day. Did six hours of manual labor for my friend's dad, a general contractor. Felt great to be active all day, and earn money. Might lead to a job.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
Amazing day. Did six hours of manual labor for my friend's dad, a general contractor. Felt great to be active all day, and earn money. Might lead to a job.
Awesome, good luck with that brother.