
You can't win an argument just by being right!
High school sucked.
i wasnt a big fan either. I didnt hate it but I was happy to leave at the end. Living with nuns is not my idea of a fun time.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ok lusting over Tom Cullen, who looks like someone I was once very close too, is now over... Im off to bed.. Im tired as f*ck!
I slept all through Bjorn and McEnroe - the movie looks fine and the acting is great but I was too hot and had crappy sleep patterns this week.

Needle phobias

@MovieGal, I dont cry or pass out (my husband's cousin faints, and I had a dental needle last year that made my dentist cry. LOL, he;s such a sweet man and felt really bad) but my veins dessicate and the medicos cant find one to stick needle in.I do everything right to keep them plump prior - drink lots of water, keep my arm covered in layers to keep it warm, pump my fist, but they shrivel up and run away. One day a few years ago when I was having chemo (I have to have a blood test prior) my veins were so dessicated the phlebotomist said she'd have to look for a vein on my foot. Nope, Nope, No way, not touching my hoofers!

Anyhoo, last year in hospital I had to have just about daily punctures which was my ultimate real life horror. The specialist ended up putting in a port in my chest
so now any chemo infusions or bloods to be taken dont need a pesky little vein in my arm. Only problem with the port is you have to be conscious when they put it in so I talked non stop about David Cronenberg. LOL. Thast was like 2 hours of movie talk with me off my head on drugs and rambling even more than on here.

So back to tattoos, when treatment is over this year I might get a tattoo around it to make it a bit prettier than it is now. just not sure on a design because it goes around a round blob of metal. Initially I thought a few hummingbirds because I love them so much but not sure how to fit in a round shape.

The moral of that rant is: never browse through profiles of old high school classmates on Facebook.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL that rant is great on reflection. Boy was I feelin' it.
Ranting is very cathartic so fire away when you need, and yeah, bullying says more about bullies than you, Swany. Hold onto your uniqueness. You dont need to fit in with ******** bullies to be a nice, interesting and worthwhile person. And facebook brings out the worst in people - the other social media networks as well no doubt but fb is the only way I'm on so I love to rant about creepy zuckerberg!. fb phonies probably have very dull lives aw2ay from their laptops. It's the Look At Me society now.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
lol the censor got me. Lemme try again

d!ck he@d bullies

LMAO that wanker is OK. Pendejo!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I have one of these which I've had for years. So good to soak in cold water, stick in freezer, then shove on my head while gearing up for 40c plus today. Lol @ the price tag. I think mine cost me 5 bucks. Thankgod for travel in developing countries!

I slept all through Bjorn and McEnroe - the movie looks fine and the acting is great but I was too hot and had crappy sleep patterns this week.

Needle phobias

@MovieGal, I dont cry or pass out (my husband's cousin faints, and I had a dental needle last year that made my dentist cry. LOL, he;s such a sweet man and felt really bad) but my veins dessicate and the medicos cant find one to stick needle in.I do everything right to keep them plump prior - drink lots of water, keep my arm covered in layers to keep it warm, pump my fist, but they shrivel up and run away. One day a few years ago when I was having chemo (I have to have a blood test prior) my veins were so dessicated the phlebotomist said she'd have to look for a vein on my foot. Nope, Nope, No way, not touching my hoofers!

Anyhoo, last year in hospital I had to have just about daily punctures which was my ultimate real life horror. The specialist ended up putting in a port in my chest
so now any chemo infusions or bloods to be taken dont need a pesky little vein in my arm. Only problem with the port is you have to be conscious when they put it in so I talked non stop about David Cronenberg. LOL. Thast was like 2 hours of movie talk with me off my head on drugs and rambling even more than on here.

So back to tattoos, when treatment is over this year I might get a tattoo around it to make it a bit prettier than it is now. just not sure on a design because it goes around a round blob of metal. Initially I thought a few hummingbirds because I love them so much but not sure how to fit in a round shape.
I have a great vein in my left arm and will let them draw blood if necessary...

I have a medical condition I started oral treatment for recently but they want to change over to injections and I'm like F**k NO!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I have a great vein in my left arm and will let them draw blood if necessary...

I have a medical condition I started oral treatment for recently but they want to change over to injections and I'm like F**k NO!
My veins are great until a phlebotomist asks me for one. They're very suspicious of vampires.

I really want to watch a Kristoffer Joner film tonight... I wonder how hard Skjult or Naboer will be to find.....


Amazon Prime - Only one avaliable to watch with prime is Kongen av Bastøy which is in my thread

Netflix - only one is Bølgen and its in my thread

Hulu - Nada

My last resort... lets see... Naboer is there, as is Skjult .. but the buffering there suxs!!!

Yo @Dani8

Let me know when you are around... I got a horror film for you based off real life horror story..

I turned my application in. Was pretty nervous beforehand but when I got there I was weirdly comfortable. Unfortunately the hiring manager wasn't there, so if I don't hear back within a few days I'll give them a ring a ding ding myself.

I turned my application in. Was pretty nervous beforehand but when I got there I was weirdly comfortable. Unfortunately the hiring manager wasn't there, so if I don't hear back within a few days I'll give them a ring a ding ding myself.
You will do fine..

Good Luck Swan!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yo @Dani8

Let me know when you are around... I got a horror film for you based off real life horror story..
I'm around all day. Not going out in 40c. Fire away, MG

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh looks interesting but I dont recall that set of toes.