Ok lusting over Tom Cullen, who looks like someone I was once very close too, is now over... Im off to bed.. Im tired as f*ck!
I slept all through Bjorn and McEnroe - the movie looks fine and the acting is great but I was too hot and had crappy sleep patterns this week.
Needle phobias
MovieGal, I dont cry or pass out (my husband's cousin faints, and I had a dental needle last year that made my dentist cry. LOL, he;s such a sweet man and felt really bad) but my veins dessicate and the medicos cant find one to stick needle in.I do everything right to keep them plump prior - drink lots of water, keep my arm covered in layers to keep it warm, pump my fist, but they shrivel up and run away. One day a few years ago when I was having chemo (I have to have a blood test prior) my veins were so dessicated the phlebotomist said she'd have to look for a vein on my foot. Nope, Nope, No way, not touching my hoofers!
Anyhoo, last year in hospital I had to have just about daily punctures which was my ultimate real life horror. The specialist ended up putting in a port in my chest
so now any chemo infusions or bloods to be taken dont need a pesky little vein in my arm. Only problem with the port is you have to be conscious when they put it in so I talked non stop about David Cronenberg. LOL. Thast was like 2 hours of movie talk with me off my head on drugs and rambling even more than on here.
So back to tattoos, when treatment is over this year I might get a tattoo around it to make it a bit prettier than it is now. just not sure on a design because it goes around a round blob of metal. Initially I thought a few hummingbirds because I love them so much but not sure how to fit in a round shape.