The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


haha, you know what? I thought of you when I saw this sculpture! Truth!
Well now that just makes me warm and fuzzy all over. He is my second favorite super hero after all.

Here is a better picture, without the professional studio yearbook look. Just a regular picture of me.

Here is a better picture, without the professional studio yearbook look. Just a regular picture of me.

I told ya I looked like Ginny Weasley.

Here is a better picture, without the professional studio yearbook look. Just a regular picture of me.

Very cute
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I've got myself a MacBook! I love it! And of course it's got this nice little built in cam in it. And I haven't posted a pic of me on here in ages... so - here's me!
I was right. You look just like you need your ass whooped.

It sucks being taller than him

It was a schooldance btw. and i didn't feel like wearing any make-up so i didnt
I Amsterdam

And do check my "art": Deviant

On Saturday, my b/f and I went to this huge antique sale at our university. We picked up a few things that we could afford! We had an awesome time, but I got a little depressed because we don't have a million dollars to get everything I want

Here's a couple rings I purchased. The lady couldn't give me the exact date but she thinks they are about 1930's. I wouldn't expect that they are since I got them both for under $20. Regardless of the era, I love them anyway!

This is a black onyx necklace that Jason surprised me with, awww

And I bought Jason this 1950's 35mm camera. It's not quite an antique, but he has always wanted a camera like this! It's a Russian design used with German parts.

The lady couldn't give me the exact date but she thinks they are about 1930's.
Gummo, that's like only 15 years after the Titantic launch. Cool.

Here's a couple rings I purchased. The lady couldn't give me the exact date but she thinks they are about 1930's. I wouldn't expect that they are since I got them both for under $20. Regardless of the era, I love them anyway!
Love the rings, I love antique jewellery

This is a black onyx necklace that Jason surprised me with, awww
I love onyx, I use it a lot in my jewellery making.

$180 got me this sassy new hairdo

(It looked better 6 hours ago after it was finished. I was layin' on it all afternoon.)

Top view:

(OMG I'm going bald!)

Side view:

Other side view:

I liked this last pic because you can see the 8 lbs I lost!

When someone else is around I will have them take a better picture so you can see the layers!

Lady, you were already sassy! Now . . . 180 dollars?!? It's pretty girlie, but I could have frosted your hair for 10 bucks. Mind you, you would have to spend about 1,000 or so to fly down here.