Movie You're Watching Tonight


>Sums up the problem with older Bond films. They were intended to be much spoofier/more comedic back then, to be fair.

Personally I think that's the problem with the new Bond films. They don't get that it's supposed to be a light/fun/sometimes-silly spy thriller, not an action epic. Starting with Pierce Brosnan, it stopped being Bond and became Jason Bourne. Not that the new Bond movies are bad...they're just not Bond anymore to me. I feel Goldeneye was maybe the last time they tried to truly stick to the Bond formula and after that they just became yet-another-action-series.

I don't actually wear pants.
>Sums up the problem with older Bond films. They were intended to be much spoofier/more comedic back then, to be fair.

Personally I think that's the problem with the new Bond films. They don't get that it's supposed to be a light/fun/sometimes-silly spy thriller, not an action epic. Starting with Pierce Brosnan, it stopped being Bond and became Jason Bourne. Not that the new Bond movies are bad...they're just not Bond anymore to me. I feel Goldeneye was maybe the last time they tried to truly stick to the Bond formula and after that they just became yet-another-action-series.
I can handle "light/fun/sometimes-silly spy thrillers". Goldeneye just has way too much outlandish material for me to enjoy it. Jackie Chan has goofball films where he's in espionage and weird situations and does "light/fun/sometimes-silly" things and it's fine because it's somewhat believable. This, though, stretched that way too far.

When the guy fell 100 feet and survived and was barely visibly hurt, it annoyed me so much. He would have died the instant he hit the ground.

When the Savanayroa whatever place exploded and the chick survived, that irked me too because a huge explosion happened RIGHT NEXT TO HER and she survived without injury. If anything her eardrums would have burst and her ears would be bleeding. Does that happen? Nope; not a scratch on her.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!

I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.