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Master of My Domain
I read Dostoyevsky's The Gambler.

It's by far my favorite novel, published in an age where psychological novels were extremely rare. Something about Russian writers make them brilliant. I think it's all the cold weather, bad living conditions etc. The Gambler is great even when compared to modern novels.

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Master of My Domain
*Novella, not novel.

Favorite full-length novel would be Slaughterhouse-Five.


This book is about (and helped written by) Paulette Cooper,a journalist who was one of the first to shed a light on the cult that is scientology-and one of the reasons people for so long were afraid to speak out against it.
this story is INSANE. It follows her from her childhood,which she spent in an orphanage after her parents were killed at Auschwitz,to when she wrote the book "The scandal of Scientology" in 1971 and the years of psychological terror,harrassement and cruelty she had to suffer through by the cult. The length they went to is unbelievable and scary-from breaking into peoples homes to steal (and publicly release) peoples diaries,breaking into hospitales for their files,threatening people with guns,tap peoples phones,send spies to befriend them then humiliate them by letting out their secrets..the list goes on and on-and these things arnt even the worst.It follows Paulette as she suffers a mental break down because of it,trying to find her feet again before being knocked down yet again.

For those who watch (you all should give it a try) Leah Remini: Scientology and the aftermath, Paulette made a quick appearance two episodes ago,but it didnt even cover 1/20 of what happened.I knew some of it from before,since i have an interest in the subject,but it turned out to be very little. The fact that the woman is still living and breathing is remarkable.

My only small objection to this book is that it starts out with her childhood then goes on to her fight against scientology-but then in the middle of when its all happening,it starts from the beginning of her childhood again-which was a bit of an anti climax and was really uneeded-it would have been better to lett it follow in order of the years. But apart from that,this is a really interesting,heartbreaking and unfortunately true story.

Britney is my favorite

Master of My Domain
Is that a horror book? sounds interesting by name
No, it's actually a satirical novel that weaves together elements of sci-fi and anti-war themes. Very humorous too. The author, Kurt Vonnegut, has written a lot of other great novels so check them out as well.

thank you,i will..i just finished both books i got for christmas so im looking for something new
I usually finish books the same day i get them which is really annoying,because books are really f@£$ expensive over here.

It's a brazilian book, in english it's something like "Image-Violence: Ethnography of a provocative cinema"
A great study about violence in films!
It takes great movies like Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction, Tarantino - Lost Highway, David Lynch - Funny Games, Michael Haneke and Natural Born Killers, Oliver Stone and makes an in-depth study of how directors manipulate us with violence in many ways.

Not exactly a book (it's a COMIC book) but it's Neil Gaiman! This is EPIC!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I read Dostoyevsky's The Gambler.

It's by far my favorite novel, published in an age where psychological novels were extremely rare. Something about Russian writers make them brilliant. I think it's all the cold weather, bad living conditions etc. The Gambler is great even when compared to modern novels.

I havent read that. Will put it on my list. I love Dostoevsky.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Was not sure where to post this but I have been reading the same books over and over again and now that I have a few extra bucks I wanna get a couple new books but have no idea what to read.

I am wanting to ask if there is any book something like the movie Cube or a 1 room type of thing (Exam etc...). Hopefully someone out there will know a book to recommend to me.............. all recommendations welcome!

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I'm almost done.... I waited 3 years for this.

9/10 -- I would have liked a little more personal or domestic information.. Pet peeves, everyday stuff.. There was a lot of great things in older newspapers, hilarious quotes by Mort that would have fit perfect in many chapters.

I havent read that. Will put it on my list. I love Dostoevsky.
Believe it or not, Mark Wahlberg is terrific in The Gambler

Reading this Japanese book now. Enjoying it. In translation of course.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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It's a brazilian book, in english it's something like "Image-Violence: Ethnography of a provocative cinema"
A great study about violence in films!
It takes great movies like Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction, Tarantino - Lost Highway, David Lynch - Funny Games, Michael Haneke and Natural Born Killers, Oliver Stone and makes an in-depth study of how directors manipulate us with violence in many ways.
Look like I'll have to check that out.

Currently reading D.H.Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover (freely available - copyright has expired). It's a well written book, by one of the best authors of its time. For anyone who doesn't know, first published in 1932 it was banned for decades in several countries for alleged obscenity. It's eventual publication in the 1960's helped shape the then upcoming sexual revolution. The 'smut' in it is not spectacular compared to today's erotic fiction, but for me it's a must read, if only for its historical significance.

40 rules of Love and i would rate it 4.2 out of 5