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You are right! Thanx I knew that I had heard it before. Thanx

Registered User
omg thank u so much i saw the trailer like a month ago and have been loking for the song since thank u so much u have no idea how hard i looked for this song thank u !

Glad to help!!

I have the trailor, poster, and a jigsaw puzzle of it on my website. I am getting pumped about this movie and it doesn't come out for months.

I love vampire flicks.
Vampires AND werewolves... I just hope it is well done!!
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Tuna's Avatar
I've read its loosely based on Romeo and Juliet, two feuding races etc. makes sense but the trailer doesn't seem to address it.
Boards don't hit back

I know... thats the thing I am afraid of!!

All I know is it's werewolves vs. vampires in the streets on London, duking it out. I believe Kate Beckensale is in this, but not sure. Anyway, you can't go wrong here. I'm a huge fan of the monster movie genre, so this is right up my alley. And I'm pulling for the werewolves. Too many movies about vampires anyway, it's time for the wolves to stake their claim.

American Werewolf In London is great, but the best part for me was the transformation scene. It just couldn't be done today, because it'd be done using computer animation and whatnot, and would lose that real feel. That scene is so creepy, listening to bones cracking and watching the hair and claws and snout growing. Top notch stuff.

This movie just looks too intense! I have to see it the day is comes out.

Never conform, never compromise....
This movie looks pretty bad @$$, i am a huge vampire movie fan espicially the action ones (Blade and John Carpenters Vamires) but love them all (the good ones) Interview With The Vampire. I have not seen Shawdow of the Vampire, is it any good?
In the end...
Everything we do,
Is just everything we've done!
- Corey Taylor (2002)

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Pretty good movie (Shadow of the Vampire). I heard it is supposed to be like a twisted, updated Romeo and Juliet. With the vampire chick being Juliet and the werewolf dude she kisses in the trailer being Romeo. Crazy huh?
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Tuna's Avatar
Originally posted by Beale the Rippe
Pretty good movie (Shadow of the Vampire). I heard it is supposed to be like a twisted, updated Romeo and Juliet. With the vampire chick being Juliet and the werewolf dude she kisses in the trailer being Romeo. Crazy huh?
yeah i read that somewhere too

Never conform, never compromise....
Yeah, thats what I picked up from the story I read on the movie website (can't remember what it was though ) to bad cause it was pretty well done, it had some cool little features you could play around with. Like a map of the world were you could pick a location and write your own little vampire or lycan sighting. Kinda cool.

the premise sounds fun. I'm kind of curious.

I never would have recognized Kate Beckinsdale from the trailer.

I'm an Irish Leprechaun
This is my kind of movie, vampires and werewolves fighting in a Romeo and Juliet type setting

Tuna's Avatar
Originally posted by zerious
the premise sounds fun. I'm kind of curious.

I never would have recognized Kate Beckinsdale from the trailer.
Yeah at first I thought it was Asia Argento

does anyone have a clue what artist or song is playing during the trailer?

Hahah, this movie looks so cheesy, but it's uneschewable in that... well, gee... vamps and werewolves are right up my alley. (-; Opening day--I sure as hell wouldn't miss it for the world!!!

Originally Posted by extrametal
does anyone have a clue what artist or song is playing during the trailer?

Red Tape by Agent Provocateur... check out The Jackal soundtrack...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I must become Caligari..!
The Trailer was very Crowey, Thats what i thought it was for at first
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

It was beauty killed the beast.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Vampires vs. Werewolves: who will win? I'm thinkin' King Kong or space aliens could beat the ***** outta both of 'em.
You're right. Kong could easily whoop the ***** out of those losers.

They really went all out for the gothic look in this movie. They wash almost all the color out of the film, and it looks like it could be in black and white except for just one or two scenes in the trailer that show the color red in them.
Kong's Reviews:
Stuck On You
Bad Santa