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Custom Lists: Beta Testing


Mebbe a switch to let each individual user choose? Only a suggestion, not really fussed either way as it becomes obvious on entering a few.

I'll think about it. Too many settings can be bad, too, and I'd still have to choose a default which means this is going to come up either way.

Anyway, just establishing that it's a design question rather than a bug, so we can focus on the latter.

Okay, still working on a lot of stuff (in fact, if something is totally borked over the next day or so, maybe give it a minute and refresh and try again before reporting, just because you might have literally caught me in the middle of a change).

Think the weird accent title thing and the blank title thing might both be fixed, though, if some of you guys having those issues could try it again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh boy, lot to go through this morning. I'll be back shortly after ironing out a few of the quicker/smaller issues.

Yeah, the plan is to be able to change order and any other number of things.
Seems to be working fine now I readded in the missing titles for Director Anthony Mann Movies and that went well.

Very happy with the design This is going to be a BIG feature on MoFo I think people will love it.

Re: first-to-last or last-to-first. I think the issue is I'm not sure what most people will think is the "correct' way. Both sort of make sense to me. When I list items off I always put the first first, so to speak, so the current setup feels the most like a real physical list. But I can see why someone would prefer the other way, too. I worry this is one of those situations where either way someone's going to find it unintuitive, and either way for valid reasons.
When I list items I also put the first first....but with the current system my first movie will end up last and last will end up first. When I just now added in movie titles my eyes instinctively went to the bottom of the list to confirm the title was added. I think most people would find the title being added to the bottom list more natural.

Good to know, thanks for the input re: order. I'll take a look at switching it, see how it feels. I'm pretty sure it's gonna throw someone off either way, but maybe the reverse order will throw fewer people off. That's all you can hope for.

Lovely thing for the forum to have, since we are all so list-addictive on here.
I feel like everyone is in a secret club I know nothing about since I have never had the least desire to make a list.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I feel like everyone is in a secret club I know nothing about since I have never had the least desire to make a list.
Okay. Why are you posting in this thread, then?

Making lists, whether individually or collaboratively, is a big part of this forum's culture, so...

If this is getting too far ahead of where we currently are please feel free to iggy this and I'll revisit at a later stage.

Question: Is it planned that movies will automatically get checked-off personal lists when marked as seen or is that something that would have to be done manually?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Think the weird accent title thing and the blank title thing might both be fixed, though, if some of you guys having those issues could try it again.
I'm seeing an issue with the movie WALL-E on "My Top 25 Sci-Fi Movies". It looks okay when it's first added to the list, but after refreshing, it has the same problem as the weird accent thing.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Good to know, thanks for the input re: order. I'll take a look at switching it, see how it feels. I'm pretty sure it's gonna throw someone off either way, but maybe the reverse order will throw fewer people off. That's all you can hope for.
I'll get used to the order issue whichever way you decide to set it, but I'd prefer it go in first to last, so that I can input #1 first, and then continue on through to the last entry.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I feel like everyone is in a secret club I know nothing about since I have never had the least desire to make a list.

I've been testing it using my top 25 lists that I made for the MoFo countdowns. If you've participated in any of these countdowns, you can start with those lists. (Just do NOT add your Westerns list until the current Westerns Countdown is done.)

One of my lists has gone 'wonky'. Pretty sure I originally only entered each filllum once but two were duplicated when I went to re-look just now. I deleted the duplicate entries for both and navigated back to Custom Lists before re-opening that list ...... the fillum higher up the order is still duplicated but both entries for the lower fillum have disappeared

I re-opened the list again and deleted the duplicate of the higher fillum before re-adding in the lower fillum and exited. On looking now both fillums are duplicated again

Listid is 64. Duplicated fillums were/are My Brother The Devil and The Asthenic Syndrome.

Can you toss in some details, like which list (if more than one) and which film is duplicated? Also please clarify what "re-look" means. Does it mean refresh? And when you say you deleted the duplicates "before re-entering," what does re-entering mean? Deleting everything and starting over, deleting just the things that had duplicates and re-adding them? Etc.

Can you toss in some details, like which list (if more than one) and which film is duplicated? Also please clarify what "re-look" means. Does it mean refresh? And when you say you deleted the duplicates "before re-entering," what does re-entering mean? Deleting everything and starting over, deleting just the things that had duplicates and re-adding them? Etc.
Detail added in initial post. Apologies about the misleading wording, I went back and changed that to help clarify as well but just in case it's still not clear when I initially said re-entered I meant navigated out of the list and back into it. 'Re-look' just means I went back in to view the list.

I should know better by now but I thought I might have a minute or two to add that extra detail and clarify wording - most of which I actually did before reading your reply

Got it, thank you for the clarifications. I think I know what might have happened.

Just made a small tweak. Please try again, might involve removing one (and f you remove it and they "both" disappear, re-adding it and seeing if it's just one this time). Sorry about that.

Ok, looks fixed now. I didnae need to do anything

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Yoda, I think I found a movie that doesn't exist in the database. I was trying to add the movie Paradise (1991), but it didn't come up as a choice when I typed the title. (There were other movies with the same name, but not the 1991 movie starring Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson.)

Here's the IMDB link:

@Yoda, I think I found a movie that doesn't exist in the database. I was trying to add the movie Paradise (1991), but it didn't come up as a choice when I typed the title. (There were other movies with the same name, but not the 1991 movie starring Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson.)

Here's the IMDB link:
Gbg - that one does exist in the TMDb database (from where this site takes its info) as it comes up as an option under the general Movie search. The Custom Lists area only brings up a cut-down list of possibilities when searching (as does the My Favourites area) so I've learned that if a movie doesn't show as an option to try alternative titles ..... for instance if you use the German title for that particular Griffith/Johnson movie (Sommerparadies) in the Custom Lists movie search the movie you are looking for will appear as an option for you:

Okay, weird accent-y things should be fixed, a long with a handful of other things.

I'll toy around with which order to add things and other stuff like that, but for now, is anyone having any issues with the basic functions still, or is it operating smoothly?

Only you can see the list there. I have other ways of viewing them, though, so just giving me the ID works..
Where else would I go to see it the list, then? It's not showing up in the lists section or anywhere else I've tried looking.

Also when I look at it from the Custom Lists link you posted, the blanks spaces are still blank.