BSG Caprica TV Series


So you'd rather "kick-ass" things didn't exist than they did and you missed them? Damn, that's one of the most selfish things I've read.... Possibly ever.

BTW, I've no idea what the US version of Being Human will be like, but if you've not seen it, do check out the UK version as it's great.

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So you'd rather "kick-ass" things didn't exist than they did and you missed them? Damn, that's one of the most selfish things I've read.... Possibly ever.
lol! I'm usually not very selfless when it comes to the syndication of television programs I haven't watched, no.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
...Aaaand, all of us here already know that the series was canceled (can anyone say "Firefly"?), and that they didn't even air the remaining episodes they had.

However, the good news is that they ARE going to air those "lost" episodes, starting tomorrow:
Thank you so much for posting this! I'd have been bummed seriously if I'd missed it. It's really disappointing that this was canceled. I'm glad they're not selling those episodes on dvd, which was my fear.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
So, I actually just teared up, watching the frantic end of that series. I actually wrote to syfy and told them they'd make better janitors than storytellers, based on their handling of that series. What a waste.