Rate The Last Movie You Saw


My # 1 movie guilty pleasure...the funniest movie ever made that wasn't supposed to be. I should have nominated this for the Comedy Hall of Fame we're doing right now. I have never seen a movie that contains more bad directing, stupid dialogue, and hideous acting. It's amazing that Patty Duke ever got another acting job after this. This movie still makes me laugh out loud after 40 years. Susan Hayward's serious scenery chewing as Helen Lawson is too funny...Patty Duke's Rocky-style montage getting ready for her nightclub act and Barbara Parkins' modeling montage crack me up. And don't even get me started on Patty's scenes in the sanitarium. The only decent acting in this film came from Lee Grant...is there any movie released in 1967 that Lee Grant wasn't in? I have to confess to getting a little misty every time Sharon Tate hits the screen...what a beauty she was...what a shame.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Tone-Deaf (Richard Bates Jr., 2019)
Bates is known for well, making off the wall films. This film revolves around a woman who sucks in relationships and lost her job. Taking advice from her bohemian mom and friends, she rents a home for the weekend from a widower, who upon hearing her play the piano, slowly becomes a homicidal maniac killing those who attempt to get close to the woman...but she doesn't know it until the third act! Insane at times, great performances by Robert Patrick (who in terms of performance is going to be the next Nic Cage) and Amanda Crew. Kim Delaney has one of the best one-liners I've heard in a long time in the third act.
It's All About the Movies

Craziest scene, to me, was when Barbara Parkins walks into a job as a legal secretary to a prominent attorney though she had minimum secretarial skills. So ludicrous.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"

My # 1 movie guilty pleasure...the funniest movie ever made that wasn't supposed to be. I should have nominated this for the Comedy Hall of Fame we're doing right now. I have never seen a movie that contains more bad directing, stupid dialogue, and hideous acting. It's amazing that Patty Duke ever got another acting job after this. This movie still makes me laugh out loud after 40 years. Susan Hayward's serious scenery chewing as Helen Lawson is too funny...Patty Duke's Rocky-style montage getting ready for her nightclub act and Barbara Parkins' modeling montage crack me up. And don't even get me started on Patty's scenes in the sanitarium. The only decent acting in this film came from Lee Grant...is there any movie released in 1967 that Lee Grant wasn't in? I have to confess to getting a little misty every time Sharon Tate hits the screen...what a beauty she was...what a shame.

I love Valley of the Dolls! So fun to watch. You should watch the commentary track with Barbara Parkins and Ted Casablanca, it's riotously funny.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
63 Up - 10/10
My favorite documentary. I've been watching this off and on for 20 years. I heard Lynn passed away after the last one, and it was too bad Charles stopped participating, despite making movies himself.

63 Up - 10/10
My favorite documentary. I've been watching this off and on for 20 years. I heard Lynn passed away after the last one, and it was too bad Charles stopped participating, despite making movies himself.
I haven't seen the last few. But I remember being fascinated by it as a kid in the UK. I hope it makes 70up, as Michael Apted is getting on a bit now. It has to be the greatest TV documentary series ever.

Fiaker Nr. 13 [Cab Nr. 13 aka The Road To Happiness] Édition française (Michael Curtiz, 1926)

It's a fare watch imo

Should Married Men Go Home? (Leo McCarey & James Parrott, 1928)

Pretty much par for the course for a L&H short

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

The Banana Splits Movie (Danishka Esterhazy, 2019)
At first, it sounded like a joke, but this was an insanely fun gory adaptation of the Hanna-Barbera children's classic. A young boy and his family gets to see the Banana Splits for the kid's birthday. When the show is set to be cancelled because of a punkboy new VP of programming, the Splits go mad and start killing staff, adult fans, and kidnap the little children. I swear, the central character of young Harley has to be the calmest young kid I've seen in a horror movie in a while. The deaths are extremely gory and well, the Splits themselves take a rebooted Child's Play thing going. Very gruesome and fun!

Welcome to the human race...
Getting Straight -

Good enough for Ingmar Bergman, good enough for the rest of us.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
A Time to Kill

Mississippi Burning

I should note that I've not seen either of these in years, but it was striking the interview statements taken from the local townspeople (fictional) during the investigation of Mississippi Burning. Statements almost verbatum in the news today. It was unsettling to a degree. Then I thought this is probably just humanity. Bias and discrimination has been part of our history since we stepped out of the cave, I'm sure. Ingroup/Outgroup or such.

Then I questioned whether the comments were the same because of our faults and bigotry or if "media" fanned the flames of the time similarly to how some claim this to be the case now.

That was a weird head trip watching these movies and recognizing (and even questioning, sadly) the parallels.

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Berlin Syndrome (Cate Shortland, 2017)
Captivating in a way but far too logically flawed

lol.. think gugubee557 just made a copy/paste error, the farewell;https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8637428/
Lmao yes copy/paste error, trying to keep my posts aesthetic haha!

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Zz

Snooze factor = Z

Snooze factor = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it