20th Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My prediction is a win for Cool Hand Luke. But like I said I think Rear Window would have won.
Yeah Rear Window would have, I’m thinking Elmer Gantry has a shot.
even though I STILL haven't seen it, I was thinking the same about Rear Window.
I'd be surprised if Cool Hand Luke took it - I was figuring somewhere in the top four and possibly Elmer Gantry having a better shot at it.
But then I've always been lousy at the guessing game lol
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Citizen Rules Reveal soon? I can hardly wait any longer
Ha, sorry I just got home awhile ago and had to start dinner. But I can do it right now. It won't be fancy. Anybody else around?

Ha, sorry I just got home awhile ago and had to start dinner. But I can do it right now. It won't be fancy. Anybody else around?
I'm like sorta here lol, hopefully I'll be able to stay for the reveal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm like sorta here lol, hopefully I'll be able to stay for the reveal.
Maybe I should do it tomorrow? Are you going to be online then? I'm trying to make pizza while doing this so it might be easier for me if I do it tomorrow sometime.

I'm like sorta here lol, hopefully I'll be able to stay for the reveal.
Maybe I should do it tomorrow? Are you going to be online then? I'm trying to make pizza while doing this so it might be easier for me if I do it tomorrow sometime.
I 90 percent chance won’t be here tomorrow, but it’s up to you.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I 90 percent chance won’t be here tomorrow, but it’s up to you.
I'm actually working on it right now. I've already done the points and know what order the movies go in and who won!

I'm just trying to get my other info in order so I can go straight down the line with the presentation, so that it will be fast. I can do it tonight and probably could start in just a few minutes. So what the hell, stand by.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here we go, coming in last is:

The Music Man (1962)

Nominated by Citizen Rules
32 points

"Robert Preston is the man! What else can I say...he's the Music Man who in pulling a con job on the small Iowa town's folks ends up giving them more than they even hoped for."
Citizen Rules

Music Man was my unfortunate #10 as well. I’m glad I watched it though.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Squid and The Whale (2005)

Nominated by Frightened Inmate No. 2
42 points

" i loved it even more this time now that i have appropriate context for it. i think it's his most fascinating and poignant film. it feels like an intensely personal work, knowing that he was walt's age living in brooklyn in 1986 when his writer parents got divorced" Frightened Inmate

I enjoyed Squid and the Whale but it got knocked down to #7 on my ballot.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Monsters, Inc (2001)

Nominated by Ahwell
43 points

"I love Pixar. Which is probably pretty apparent since I already have hosted a Pixar Hall of Fame. But there's something about their style, their animation, their characters, their music, and everything that else that bring them right to the top of Animation Studios."

Trouble with a capital "T"

Blood Diamond (2006)

Nominated by Miss Vicky
47 points

"I've long been a sucker for redemption stories and Blood Diamond is a very good one. It doesn't offer a whole lot in terms of surprises or originality, but it does offer some really impressive performances...Bonus points for how hot DiCaprio looks in it." Miss Vicky

Blood Diamond was my #9, I enjoyed it but not immensely so.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Ghostbusters (1984)

Nominated by Siddon
56 points

"The film that was never supposed to work, Ghostbusters was in my opinion the film that should have won BP in 1984." Siddon