Quick update: we're working on some podcast scheduling stuff, but it'll happen soon, so everyone make sure to get your hands on The Last Wave!
MoFo Movie Club - August Poll
MoFo Movie Club August Poll
10 votes
5 votes
5 votes
1 votes
11 votes
32 votes. You may not vote on this poll
Okay, we had a few scheduling challenges that pushed this back for a bit, but it's in the bag now. I just recorded the podcast for this one with two MoFos--one a longtime member, and one relatively new to the site. Check back for it here soon! You've still got a little bit of time to watch the film before it goes up, so here's your last call for The Last Wave
Favorite Movies
Very soon! We had some scheduling/technical delays, but the podcast is done and it'll be up very soon.
DVD's on Netflix, if you're a member. And the discussion doesn't happen live or anything, so it's cool if you get your hands on it and watch it in a few days and then join in/listen.
DVD's on Netflix, if you're a member. And the discussion doesn't happen live or anything, so it's cool if you get your hands on it and watch it in a few days and then join in/listen.
Favorite Movies
In case anyone is subscribed to this thread but didn't see the other, the discussion thread and podcast are both up! And virtually all of the people who actually voted for The Last Wave have yet to weigh in. Have at it: