Best Fight Scene(s)...HiYah!!


crazed out movie freak
Originally posted by Naisy
i just remembered i take back whatever ive said, BLADE has wicked fight scenes, the best
good fight scenes just didn't like the movie.
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
Dang..fight scenes
Angelina Jolie kicked some major butay in Tomb Raider
Jean Claude Van Damme is pretty good
Arnold Scwarz...i don't know and don't care how to spell it
jackie chan in all of his movies kicks with some action
I don't normally watch action movies so what i opinioned is from basically what i watch.
Seek me, for comfort, call me, for Solace, I'll be waiting, for the end of my broken heart..

Plus a lady fan of PimpDaShizzle V2.0 and Most importantly JRS

The start of Blade, (Blade vs vamps),
Fist Of Legend, (Jet vs old guy),
Once Upon A Time In China, (end fight),
Drive, (end fight),

New Dragon Gate Inn, (end fight using swords), (BEST EVER FIGHT SENCE),

Sean Penn and the cans in the pillow case in Bad Boys
Ed Norton Vs Himself in Fight Club
Final sword fight in Rob Roy
Jackie Chan in ??? getting picked up by the 7' Austrian and bieng thrown onto the ceiling
Robert Deniro and Nick Nolte at the end of Cape Fear
The forest fight in LotR
and the BAthtub scene in Training Day, that scene freaked me out.

The Lord Of The Rings : TFOTR (Mines of Moria, Amon Hen)
The Enforcer (end fight, Jet Li)
Police Story (end fight)
Last Saw -
The One - 6/10
Mulholland Drive - 8/10

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
I agree with Holden Pike regarding the `Alley Fight` in "They Live" between Roddy Piper and Keith David-Absolute Classic .

Honorary Mentions:
Woody v Buzz Lightyear in "Toy Story" .
Michael Douglas v Kathleen Turner (any) in "War of the Roses" .
Kerwin Mathews v Skeleton in "7th Voyage of Sinbad" .

For good examples of `Gang Fights`,check "The Wanderers" ,"The Warriors" and the final one in "The Outsiders" .
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

John Kruger's Avatar
Federal Marshall
I have to say I was pretty impressed by the fight between Jackie Chan and the the two henchmen near the end of "Who Am I?" especially the parts where Jackie is teetering on the edge of the building. It's nice and long as well which you don't see anymore in most of the movies he's made in America.
Jean Claude Van Damme versus the women in the chicken suit in "Sudden Death" was also pretty good.
Steven Seagal decimating the carjacking gang in "Exit Wounds" was also pretty amazing apart from the final dodgy wire assisted kick. "Exit Wounds" certainly proved he still has it in him to combine bad acting and vicious fighting to create a good old fashined cheesey action movie. "Frankie take the man's keys... crunch ow" Don't mess with Seagal even if he is a 50 year old eco warrior.
"You're luggage"
--Arnold Schwarzenegger

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
Fat Bastard and Austin Powers in AP3
Cindy and the Bad Guy in Scary Movie
Cindy and the Cat in Scary Movie 2
Drew Barrymore and the Group of guys-Charlies Angels (even though i didn't care for the movie)
Do you know of any fight scenes where you feel bad for the people???

John Kruger's Avatar
Federal Marshall
I felt bad for Chuck Norris in "WayOf The Dragon", even though he knew he couldn't possibly win his honour forced him to fight until he just died frominjury and exhaustion. I felt he could have just given up instead of killing himself from exhaustion.

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Just thought of another classic Slugfest:
Clint Eastwood v Bill Smith -End scrap in `Any Which Way You Can` .

i know ive already posted Blade in here as my fav and thats still true but one of the best ones to follow would haveto be Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker ni Rush Hour 2 in the "Heaven On Earth" Massage place, not only good action but a few jokes put in as well...

No Wonder You Mad

All so far great fight scenes. How about Saving Private Ryan, when the sniper guy fights the german dude in tower near the end. Oh, and of course, the last ten minutes of every A-TEAM episode

Yeah i like Rush Hour2. that fighting is good. also i like all the fighting scene in Romeo Must Die. Think they are cooool. how about the one in Sword Fish, that kind is different, lots of explosion, very impressive. wait......another one, the Matrix!! i really love the fighting scene in it. Especially the last one.

Blade VS Nomak (Blade 2)

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon VS Darth Maul (Episode 1)

Neo VS Morpheus (The Matrix)

Neo VS Agent Smith (The Matrix)

The end sword fight in "Versus" (a japanese zombie/kung-fu movie that hasn't been released in america yet)

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover VS Jet Li (Lethal Weapon 4)

The two good guys VS the one bad guy at the end of "Iron Monkey"

Black Mask VS The Commander (Black Mask)

I just bought Sleepy Hollow.

I like the scene where Ichabod and Brom are fighting the horseman and he picks up Ichabod with his sword and cuts Brom completely in half with his axe and sword.

Man the dripping eviscera, the rainstorm of innards and blood... wicked scene says I.

Seraph of the Void
Wong Kei-Ying vs the evil Shaolin monks in Iron Monkey
Shadow Kick!!!

A-ko vs B-ko in the anime classic Project A-KO
They trash a city all during a massive alien invasion.

Shaolin Soccer!! it's a live action movie if you can believe it.
Imagine pathetic luckless shaolin monks using Dragonball Z style shaolin kung-fu to fight their way to the soccer championships against a evil team of supersteriod soccer players named...wait for it....The Evil Team. A Steven Chow Classic. The Final kick of the movie has to be seen to be believed but imagine a class 5 tornado touching down on a soccer field.

God of Cookery
Another Steven Chow movie. Imagine Iron Chef done kung-fu style. When the protagonist tries to enter his secret weapon recipe "Bouncing Pissing Beef Balls"(I am not kidding about this) all hell breaks loose.

The Cruise/Starliner battle of Corben Dallas vs the mangaloids in the Fifth Element is also a classic in my book and it had the largest indoor explosion ever filmed (the fire it created raged out of control for almost an hour, and if you know anything about fires that is a long time)

The final battle against Lo-Pan in Big Trouble in Little China is very cool. Particularly where the three storms are concerned. The Wang-Chi vs Wind fight is great.

My 12 yr old son recently showed me a video for Linkin Park's Points of Authority and it was nice. Kinda Final Fantasy Spirits withinesque

Speaking of which
Final Fantasy TSW the scene in the beginning where the troopers use impact gel to land from a dropship and fight invisible phantoms in a dead city was very cool.

Pitch Black
Riddick against one of those larger critters with only a knife.
"Did not know who he was ******* with..", Major points for Style.

Jackie Chan vs the Uberwomen in Armour of God (The manly women in the high heels and tight leather suits)

Armour of God was known in the states as Operation Condor 2 : The Armor of the Gods. which is funny because Armour of God was filmed first and Operation Condor was a sequel to Armour of God and had the official title Operation Condor: Armour of God 2

Blade (as people have mentioned)
The final fight of Blade vs Decon Frost as La Magra is awesome.
"When I said my quarters were cold, I did not mean "Oh, I think it is a little chilly in here. Perhaps I'll throw a blanket on the bed." No! I said it was cold! As in, "Oh look - my left arm has snapped off like an icicle and shattered on the floor!"

My list in no particular order

Blade VS Deacon Frost (Blade)

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon VS Darth Maul (Episode 1)

The end fight from Legend of Drunken Master (the new one)

The badass end sword fight from Versus

The end fight from Brotherhood of the Wolf, if only for that cool bone/whip/sword weapon the bad guy used, that was cool

Black Mask VS Commander Hung (Black Mask)

Iron Monkey end fight

A novel adaptation.
First of all, Blade vs. deacon Frost, sucked it long, and very, very hard. In fact, it tops my list of the most dissapointing fight scenes of all time.

Welcome to MoFo, I wish you happy posting.
"We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm."
--Winston Churchill

A system of cells interlinked
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Super Burly Brawl (Matrix Revolutions)

Balrog/Gandalf (LotR)

Narrator vs himself (Fight Club)

Max vs Master Blaster (Thunderdome)

Jackie Chan vs gang (Rumble in the Bronx)

Actually, all the Matrix fights (Neo/Smith, Seraph)
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

well, as a horror fan, i have to include FVJ, which got really good, in and out of the dream world

also, almost any of the matrix fights, or CTHD, and i did enjoy the scene in LXG with Nemo and Hyde fighting "me on a bad day"

and although it wasnt' part of a movie, per se, it was a cutscene in a video game, Squall Leonheart, vs Seifer, in the opening scene of FFVIII, also, if it became a movie, besides Advent Children, then Cloud Strife v. Sephiroth

and, whenever it comes out AVP