Custom Lists: Beta Testing


This is strange. The weird accent-y thing is fixed on my list for Wall-E, but when I mouse over the movie posters on the main page where it shows all of my lists, it still has the weird accent-y thing.
Not too weird on my end, I need to do UTF-8 encoding on those characters and I'd just done it in one place and not another. Thanks for catching that.

It seems to be fixed now. Thanks.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

@Yoda, Is there a way to add something in if it doesn't come up in the list of movies?

I'm only asking because I think a few of the documentaries on my Top 25 Documentaries list might not be in the database. (I haven't tried adding my list yet, but I didn't want to start and then find out that it's not possible to finish my list because some of the entries don't exist in the database.)

If you want to check any of the documentaries that I'm talking about, this is a link to my list from the Documentaries Countdown:

I doubt that the first 3, (maybe even the first 4), on my list are in the database.

@Yoda, Is there a way to add something in if it doesn't come up in the list of movies?

I'm only asking because I think a few of the documentaries on my Top 25 Documentaries list might not be in the database. (I haven't tried adding my list yet, but I didn't want to start and then find out that it's not possible to finish my list because some of the entries don't exist in the database.)

If you want to check any of the documentaries that I'm talking about, this is a link to my list from the Documentaries Countdown:

I doubt that the first 3, (maybe even the first 4), on my list are in the database.
Gbg - you could always try adding the individual titles one by one to one of your other lists and deleting them if they work. Would let you know whether making that particular list would be possible for you.

Yeah, no harm in trying.

If they're not available, the only recourse is to try to add them to our data source directly, Anyone who registers can make changes and suggestions (I've done it a few times myself), since it's built on user submissions.

Since you mentioned it, though, maybe after I've got this live I can look into a way of letting people add things manually. There are a lot of complications to that, technically, but it's something I'd like to do if I can find an elegant way around those issues.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
It also looks like you can't start adding films until you put in a title but you can delete the title after you've added some films. You can't then seem to edit or delete the list, because there's no title to click on but you can still see the films listed in the custom list area.

Good catch, thanks. Yeah, I'll make it so you have to have something in the title field. Might add another way to click through to it, too.

Gbg - you could always try adding the individual titles one by one to one of your other lists and deleting them if they work. Would let you know whether making that particular list would be possible for you.

That's a good idea. Maybe I'll try that when I get a chance.

Thanks again.

Yeah, no harm in trying.

If they're not available, the only recourse is to try to add them to our data source directly, Anyone who registers can make changes and suggestions (I've done it a few times myself), since it's built on user submissions.

Since you mentioned it, though, maybe after I've got this live I can look into a way of letting people add things manually. There are a lot of complications to that, technically, but it's something I'd like to do if I can find an elegant way around those issues.

Thanks for the info. It's not a big deal. That's probably the only list that it affects for me, but I'm not sure if other people may need that option for some of their lists.

Just a thought - again if this is beyond the current scope of thinking please feel free to ignore it for now....

Might options to automatically order lists be available at some point. Two I can think of that might be useful are "alphabetical" and "chronological".

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Just a thought - again if this is beyond the current scope of thinking please feel free to ignore it for now....

Might options to automatically order lists be available at some point. Two I can think of that might be useful are "alphabetical" and "chronological".
Good idea...I had also thought of that when I first made a list a month ago. I had a hard time deciding what type of order I should make my list so I made one alphabetical, chronological would be nice too.

Appreciate the heads-up, I'd best remove my Top 1000 Hardcore list today, just in case