Best Fantasy Movie?


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Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Hmm... I've never seen it on cable so I don't know which one they use ... I always liked the one by Tangerine Dream though... sounds a lot like Yes...
I love the last song. The one where they're standing there waving to the camera. I don't care who did it, it's good stuff.

Johnlindsay: I haven't seen Making Contact. I should rent it based on your suggestion alone because you like all the same fantasy movies I do.
I also remember those parts you mentioned from Big Trouble in Little China, still...I say that movie creeped me out.
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

Fasten your seat belts...
[quote=Wart]I love the poison in a cup scene with Cary Elwes and the kidnapper--whatshisname.

Another fantasy film I like is LEGENDS--- I didnt like Tom Cruise. THought he was miscast but DARKNESS or NIGHT or MR. EXIL ---whatever he was supposed to be--was wonderfully played by Tim Curry. That FACE, those HORNS, those HOOVES, dem ABS---I dunno how they made him LOOK SO SCARY BIG in this picture!

>> I think the word you are looking for his HORNY! My god. Darkness crept in my dreams for years after seeing Legend.

Ah hem. I'll be going now...

Fasten your seat belts...
...and may I say, you have all said my fav fantasty films so no good re posting what you have all said. Well done all of you! This has taken me back, and thanks to Minion for you homage to Labyrinth. That put a big smile on my face!!!

(and may I just say, Val Kilmer was HOT in Willow!! Great film too!)

Did anyone else find Excalibur as haunting as I did? That movie had an effect on me when I was young. It was eerie.
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Movie Forums Stage-Hand
What about "Army of Darkness"? great fantasy comedy adventure movie, not a horror movie.

LOTR, without a doubt.

I really love Legend.

I recently just bought the special edition DVD and both versions are great. I've always liked the Tangerine Dream score since that's what I saw when I was younger. After seeing the original cut of the film, I must say the ending is a bit weak, I liked the U.S realease ending better with TG. It also has some funny commentary about Ridley Scott at the first screening of the film where they decided it needed to be recut, and they were smoking pot getting Ridley all pissed off lol.

But anyways, both versions are absolutely great and this is one of my favorite films ever. Watched it so many times as a kid!

Legend will always remain the classic.

Conan the Barbarian AND Destroyer


These are the fantasy movies that come to mind.

Movie Forums Member
Ghost in the Machine

I think....Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. ^^
"One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them..."

The Lord of the Rings

Banned from Hollywood.
Spirited Away (2001) without a doubt...also call me old fashioned but i thought the Neverending Story was great and still holds up today as a great fantasy movie.

and from newer stuff The Lord of the rings is the obvious choice , yet there are also others like Pan's Labyrinth which are great.
My 100 ALL-TIME FAVE Movies

Spirited Away (2001) without a doubt...also call me old fashioned but i thought the Neverending Story was great and still holds up today as a great fantasy movie.

and from newer stuff The Lord of the rings is the obvious choice , yet there are also others like Pan's Labyrinth which are great.
Yeah, I like all of those too! ^^