Umpteenth Rewatch....This delicious black comedy from 1985 still holds up thanks to a delicately crafted screenplay and splendid direction from Susan Seidelman. Rosanna Arquette put herself on the Hollywood map playing Roberta, the bored New Jersey housewife married to a hot tub salesman, who loves to read the personal ads and has become obsessed with the adventures of a wild girl named Susan (Madonna) and when she learns Susan is meeting her boyfriend in New York, Roberta decides she has to cross the bridge to meet her, which sets off quite the adventure for the two ladies. To say anymore would spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I will tell you that this is one of those movies that is so intricately put together that if you are interrupted, make sure you pause it because if you miss five minutes of this movie, you will be confused. Arquette lights up the screen as Roberta and Madonna is Madonna, but I loved Mark Blum as Roberta's jerk of a husband and I didn't realize until this watch, that the emcee at the dingy nightclub is played by John Turturro. If you've never seen this, treat yourself.
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Umpteenth Rewatch....This delicious black comedy from 1985 still holds up thanks to a delicately crafted screenplay and splendid direction from Susan Seidelman. Rosanna Arquette put herself on the Hollywood map playing Roberta, the bored New Jersey housewife married to a hot tub salesman, who loves to read the personal ads and has become obsessed with the adventures of a wild girl named Susan (Madonna) and when she learns Susan is meeting her boyfriend in New York, Roberta decides she has to cross the bridge to meet her, which sets off quite the adventure for the two ladies. To say anymore would spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but I will tell you that this is one of those movies that is so intricately put together that if you are interrupted, make sure you pause it because if you miss five minutes of this movie, you will be confused. Arquette lights up the screen as Roberta and Madonna is Madonna, but I loved Mark Blum as Roberta's jerk of a husband and I didn't realize until this watch, that the emcee at the dingy nightclub is played by John Turturro. If you've never seen this, treat yourself.
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Umpteenth Rewatch...Okay, I don't want to overstate this for younger MoFo's who may have never seen this instant classic from 1980, but it might be one of the funniest movies ever made. In the tradition of some of Mel Brooks' finest work, this film is a lampoon of the airport movies in general and the movie Zero Hour in particular. The story finds a former war pilot named Ted Stryker (Robert Hays) having to take over in the cockpit of a Chicago bound plane when the entire flight crew is downed by food poisoning. This film is rich with outrageous set pieces and elaborate jokes that are set up with rich detail and they come at a fast and furious pace. I don't want to give away too much, but I do love the plight of Lt Hurwitz, the Captain Oveur encounter with little Joey, and the complete breaking of the fourth wall with a certain basketball legend. Lots of familiar faces pop up along the way, including Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Robert Stack, Leslie Nielsen, Peter Graves, and Barbara Billingsley. Classic comedy that still brings the laughs after 45 years.
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I really loved First Reformed. Easily on my Top 5 of a very strong year. Here is a link to my review on Letterboxd.
(1979, Herzog)
(1979, Herzog)
"Death is not the worst. There are things more horrible than death."
In 1979, Werner Herzog decided to bring back the source elements from Bram Stoker, character names and other story elements, in his remake called Nosferatu the Vampyre. However, he also decided to strip the titular character of most of its menace and threat, presenting him as a lonely "sad sack".
It might sound like a slight on the film, but it is an interesting re-interpretation of a character that seemed otherworldly and foreign. Like I said above, Orlok was built as a menacing figure and bringer of death. To have him instead as a mournful and pensive creature tormented by what he is, is definitely an interesting spin. This is also heightened by Klaus Kinski's performance in the lead role.
Full review on my Movie Loot
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!
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Wow, that low? I mean, I didn't like it as much as I was "supposed to" either, but I still gave it at least an 8.5.
(1979, Herzog)
(1979, Herzog)
In 1979, Werner Herzog decided to bring back the source elements from Bram Stoker, character names and other story elements, in his remake called Nosferatu the Vampyre. However, he also decided to strip the titular character of most of its menace and threat, presenting him as a lonely "sad sack".
It might sound like a slight on the film, but it is an interesting re-interpretation of a character that seemed otherworldly and foreign. Like I said above, Orlok was built as a menacing figure and bringer of death. To have him instead as a mournful and pensive creature tormented by what he is, is definitely an interesting spin. This is also heightened by Klaus Kinski's performance in the lead role.
Full review on my Movie Loot
Last watched Napoleon Dynamite and I’d rate it 9/10. I love it so much and how it literally has no purpose but new stuff is happening every other scene and all the song choices throughout the movie r wonderful( ^ω^ )
its got too much going on and as a result can't keep a consistent tone but when it clicks it is pretty magical.
First Reformed (2017)
That's precisely where it all starts getting loopy with dream (?) sequences and a bomb vest that the Eco warrior made before his own suicide. Ultimately I don't know what Schrader was trying to say and, while the performances are great, it's all a bit of an ungodly (see what I did there) mess.
That's precisely where it all starts getting loopy with dream (?) sequences and a bomb vest that the Eco warrior made before his own suicide. Ultimately I don't know what Schrader was trying to say and, while the performances are great, it's all a bit of an ungodly (see what I did there) mess.
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Practical Magic is a wacky movie and kind of dumb, but also a movie I absolutely love.
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on a rewatch i think i'll probably love it too.
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I like how it goes between more subtle magic---like the kind of stuff that could just be power of suggestion---and very overt stuff like "Oh yeah and they can kind of fly."
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I am typing this before I finish it, but I'm watching the movie Wanted Dead or Alive, which is a somewhat-continuation of the show with Steve McQueen, .
I watch this show every night before bed.
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I watch this show every night before bed.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!
I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.
I destroyed the dastardly dairy dame! I made mad milk maid mulch!
I hate insomnia. Oh yeah. Last year I had four cases of it, and each time it lasted three months.
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Fair use,
Shanghai Triad - (1995)
With Shanghai Triad (the 6th film in my Zhang Yimou/Gong Li boxed set) we return to the kind of filmmaking which makes use of florid and creative cinematography, and the film looks more beautiful than I really anticipated. The story is fairly conventional, and unfolds from the point of view of young Tang Shuisheng (Wang Xiaoxiao), who has arrived in Shanghai from his home in the country to take up a post as Xiao Jinbao's (Gong Li) servant. Xiao Jinbao is the mistress of crime boss Tang (Li Baotian) - otherwise simply referred to as "The Boss". He's guided by his uncle, Liu (Li Xuejian) and chafes at all of the demeaning roles he has to take on serving Jinbao, who is cruel to all of those who work for her, and especially Shuisheng. The narrative feels familiar, but what's a little unusual is what we focus on - Tang's mistress and the servant/master relationship. As the film continues Jinbao evolves and becomes more sympathetic - we learn more about her, while at the same time we see that life in such an organisation as Tang's is cutthroat and there is plenty of blood spilled. The machinations between rival gangs leads to trouble for all the characters involved in this story. Gong Li sings in this one, and the music has a Chinese flavour that makes all of those interludes a lot of fun. It took me back to the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which is set during the same period, and takes place in the same location - a Shanghai nightclub which crime bosses frequent. The big difference is the gravity and tone, along with Zhang Yimou's artistry.
Fair use,
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance - (1994)
We're told at the outset our destination in 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance - a young man is going to shoot up a bank full of customers before turning the gun on himself. The film then focuses on the lives of those who will end up in the wrong place at the wrong time - and these various scenes are often interrupted by real-life news reports detailing violence around the world, along with Michael Jackson's child abuse-allegation ordeal (his first). As always, Michael Haneke probes at the ordinary person's propensity towards senseless violence, and also our ability to insulate ourselves from consciously acknowledging it or engaging with it. Despite that, and despite all our attempts to avoid it, the only thing separating us from experiencing it directly is pure chance. Haneke includes certain scenes where some young men mess around with a puzzle game where fitting pieces together form different shapes - and of course the first thing we think of are the fragments we're being provided with and the different ways we can piece them together to produce different results - all interpretations equally valid. The main aim is to piece together a crucifix - but whichever way you put this film together, there's a sense of our interconnectedness and the governing principle of the universe we live in : chaos.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
Latest Review : Goldeneye (1995)
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SF = Z
Viewed: Blu ray
[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it
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2 out of 5.
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Looking for a bigger boat | My latest movie lists and reviews | Find me on Letterboxd
A lazy, uninspired prequel with a protagonist that's absolutely perfect to an annoying degree. It actually made me sympathize with Scar by the end, and not in a way the Movie intended.
They have greatly improved the CGI faces, making them far more expressive than the original, which is a plus.
Is still a "Meh" at best.