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Custom Lists: Beta Testing


Okay, updates! Plowed through a bunch of little things today:

  1. You can delete lists.
  2. You can now find a button to view your list (and a box giving you the URL to share).
  3. List titles now have a 64 character limit.
  4. List titles are censored for language using the same filter as the forum.
  5. Empty list titles will show as (no list) so you can still click into them for editing.

Made a few other layout changes, too. I really want to make these more ornate, but for now I've settled on the normal list display, plus a little note about the curator and an avatar at the top. The level of customization and integration will expand dramatically, but I want to get this to a "good enough" state to release wider before doing more of that.

Anyway, if you guys wanna play around and test the basic functions again (particularly the changes), that'd be great. I think there might be a tiny bug where list titles get wiped out, but that might've just been me messing with stuff and forgetting.

Delete List worked fine for me.
Was View List supposed to be clickable?
I see no reason for it to be, as one is already in the list anyway, but in case you wanted it to be it brought me to here:

Yeppers, it was private - worked when public.
Personally I don't really see a need to have it viewable from edit by the person that's created it regardless of it's status (as that person is already able to see all the movies in the list anyway) ..... but if the View List button is to be clickable I'd always say it's better not to go to an 'access denied' screen.

Yeah, fair. And there will be a logical reason to be able to see it when Private, when you have options to change how it's displayed and want to preview it (though some kind of live preview would be ideal, but may or may not happen depending on how much work it ends up being).

Fair-do's, makes sense if there are formatting choices to be made

Yoda, once this is working correctly, I would definitely like to create a few based off my lists from Letterboxd.

Should be working now, I feel pretty confident it will not destroy/eat your work at this point. I can't guarantee it but it's probably under a 1% chance.

If it's easy enough I might look into a way to import Letterboxd stuff to streamline things for people, but a lot of that will depend on what their export options are.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Okay, updates! Plowed through a bunch of little things today:

  1. You can delete lists.
  2. You can now find a button to view your list (and a box giving you the URL to share).
  3. List titles now have a 64 character limit.
  4. List titles are censored for language using the same filter as the forum.
  5. Empty list titles will show as (no list) so you can still click into them for editing.

Made a few other layout changes, too. I really want to make these more ornate, but for now I've settled on the normal list display, plus a little note about the curator and an avatar at the top. The level of customization and integration will expand dramatically, but I want to get this to a "good enough" state to release wider before doing more of that.

Anyway, if you guys wanna play around and test the basic functions again (particularly the changes), that'd be great. I think there might be a tiny bug where list titles get wiped out, but that might've just been me messing with stuff and forgetting.

I didn't try it because I don't want to accidentally delete one of my lists, but is there a safeguard to prevent accidentally deleting a list? (Probably something like a pop-up message that says "Are you SURE you want to delete this list?" with a confirmation button.)

Also, there should be an easy way to get back to the main Custom Lists page. Every time I viewed a list, I had to come back here to the link on the first page of this thread to get back to that page, unless I remembered to open the list in a new tab.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I didn't try it because I don't want to accidentally delete one of my lists, but is there a safeguard to prevent accidentally deleting a list? (Probably something like a pop-up message that says "Are you SURE you want to delete this list?" with a confirmation button.)
There is

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also, it seems odd that I had to mark off that I watched all of those movies. If I made the list, then I've probably watched all the movies.

Maybe there should be a "check all" type of option for that, so people can make watchlists too.

@Yoda - as you appear to be getting close to releasing this just double-checking that the year of release for each entry will be being added?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Yoda, Is there a limit to how many movies can be in a list? For example, could somebody make a list of their Top 1000 movies? (Not that I would ever do that, but I'm just curious about the limitations.)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also the shareable link at the bottom of the list page is only for that specific list. Will there also be a link to the main page, so people can browse other people's custom lists?

Also, there should be an easy way to get back to the main Custom Lists page. Every time I viewed a list, I had to come back here to the link on the first page of this thread to get back to that page, unless I remembered to open the list in a new tab.
If you mean while editing a list, there is: it's in the header (links back to Lists and Custom Lists). As for elsewhere, that'll come when the feature is actually live.

Also, it seems odd that I had to mark off that I watched all of those movies. If I made the list, then I've probably watched all the movies.

Maybe there should be a "check all" type of option for that, so people can make watchlists too.
That's a good idea, thanks. It'll definitely have to be the latter, since I can easily imagine people making lists for themselves to watch through (or even lists of things they want to see but haven't).

@Yoda - as you appear to be getting close to releasing this just double-checking that the year of release for each entry will be being added?
Yeah, I can add that.

@Yoda, Is there a limit to how many movies can be in a list? For example, could somebody make a list of their Top 1000 movies? (Not that I would ever do that, but I'm just curious about the limitations.)
Yes, it's 100, at least to start.

Also the shareable link at the bottom of the list page is only for that specific list. Will there also be a link to the main page, so people can browse other people's custom lists?
Yeah, that and all the other link-type things are all the last stage in the process, basically. This is still meant to be cordoned-off from the rest of the site a little bit while it's being tested.

Okay, another tweak:

There's a Settings link in the top right corner that lets you edit a title and description (description not visible yet, but it'll be saved), as well as determine the display order. Note: the display order is for the public/viewable list, not for your editing page. This is so you can save your custom drag-and-drop order and not lose it (and switch back to it) when you switch to alphabetical or chronological.

There's also going to be a setting for whether to display the rank (1, 2, 3, etc) on the left of the public list. That works already, just trying to figure out how to find room for it in the Settings overlay, which is getting big.

You know what would be really cool ...... to also display the rating (if one was given by the originator of the list) for each fillum.
It's perfectly understandable if you now feel like swearing at me under your breath

Nah, I don't mind. Though to be honest, this thread has way more "wouldn't it be cool?" feature suggestions than I was soliciting. But that always happens. People skim the first post, and things occur to them that are adjacent to the tech stuff I'm asking everyone to focus on. It's inevitable.

That said, yeah, let's put a hold on feature ideas, since I have a list of stuff I want to add and some of it's pretty obvious, so there'll be a lot of redundancy (and time spent replying rather than coding). Makes more sense for me to get through the obvious stuff first, then see what it still needs, since otherwise there'll be tons of suggestions for stuff I'm already planning.

I will, however, look at adding some kind of rating display. That's a solid idea that might not be too hard anyway.