Breaking Bad All Over Again


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I wonder how much of my Skyler hate was tied up in the anxious feelings the show gave me on first watch. Still no excuse for banging Beneke, wtf.
I think it's just pretty normal to root for the lead and be annoyed by anyone who gets in his way, thus Yoda's commentary about chuck -v- sky. As I said, I can easily understand and appreciate why people didn't like her. My issue was with how insane some people in the fandom got with it, to the point they didnt even understand why she

spoilers for newb viewers

gave him the money. I just found that really quite dense. She made it perfectly clear why she had to do that. She had no choice at all.

Let's see how it goes later on.

Oh yeah, saw some of that hate towards Anna Gunn. Kind of horrible she fid her job so well they tranferred the hate onto her.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Let's see how it goes later on.

Oh yeah, saw some of that hate towards Anna Gunn. Kind of horrible she fid her job so well they tranferred the hate onto her.
I was mind blown; had never seen anything like it before, or since. Closest was probably Katey Sagal in SoA. Some pretty horrible filth was thrown her way. And Jennifer Lawrence. I just dont get it.

Wow. Where do your parents live? I'm guessing Vietnam?

Happy travels, my friend. Stay safe, have a great time, and break bad with ya when you get back. Very jealous right now.

The Qatar and Thailand part has passed well. I learnt plenty of beautiful things from the Quran and Buddha's teaching.

About JLawrence, it was because Hollywood is ridiculously favored her since the beginning. I'm tired of seeing her everywhere, with basically one type of acting.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

The Qatar and Thailand part has passed well. I learnt plenty of beautiful things from the Quran and Buddha's teaching.

About JLawrence, it was because Hollywood is ridiculously favored her since the beginning. I'm tired of seeing her everywhere, with basically one type of acting.

Very cool, El. Just looked up qatari cuisine. I want that qarwa. Would probably be as strong as meth.

I watched 303 thinking something was not quite right and just realised I missed 302. Derp moi.

A system of cells interlinked
Lisa and I are just about to start season 4.

So, we had started this re-watch with a couple of our Movie/Show club friends, Marta and Felicia. Halfway through season 2, they just up and say "Sorry guys, this is just not a good show. We hate all these characters!."

So...they bailed on the show. We were stunned! This goes back to that discussion about whether or not a show has to have likable characters to be good. We had just finished what I thought was a fantastic episode (Peekaboo), and these guys pipe in saying it's a bad show. WTF!!!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Lisa and I are just about to start season 4.

So, we had started this re-watch with a couple of our Movie/Show club friends, Marta and Felicia. Halfway through season 2, they just up and say "Sorry guys, this is just not a good show. We hate all these characters!."
It's not a good show because the characters are not to their liking? What sort of shows do they watch?

My eldest brother loved it initially and bailed but not because he thought it wasnt a good show. He felt the genius having a midlife crisis was a bit too close to the bone and it made him uncomfortable to think he could have an inner monster lurking and wanting to break out.

A system of cells interlinked
They were groping for a character to latch on to but gave up after a while, They hated pretty much everyone but Walter Jr. Sadly, they didn't stick it out long enough to meet Saul. Oh well. Can't win em all!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
They were groping for a character to latch on to but gave up after a while, They hated pretty much everyone but Walter Jr. Sadly, they didn't stick it out long enough to meet Saul. Oh well. Can't win em all!
I really don't see what's not interesting about the characters. For me the whole thing is a study in human frailty. Each to their own, though. Maybe they prefer lighter stuff? It can be a painful watch at times.

Trying Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
I watched the finale of season one and first two episodes of season two. Try to post about them the next couple days. Everyone still playing along?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I watched the finale of season one and first two episodes of season two. Try to post about them the next couple days. Everyone still playing along?
I'm playng. Just toning it back because I ran too far ahead.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
309 -

in the hospital and Sky, on the fly, concocts the gambling story to convince Marie to take their money. Utterly brilliant but she should have left it there. The next step just confirmed for me what a control freak she was and was completely unnecessary imo but she couldnt help herself.

Speaking of flies, episode Fly. 310

This got a lot of hate in the fandom because of the ole 'nothing happens'. I thought it was superb and think that fly needs a payrise.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ha. Had to take the breaks off to get through season 3 so jumping ahead again.


dinner at Gustavo's house. I dont know the name of the song to check this out but there's a woman singing in spanish faintly in the background as he talks to Walt over Paila Marina (which I think I'll make tonight). I have a feeling this is played again in BCS.

Tus ojos. This is beautiful

I watched the finale of season one and first two episodes of season two. Try to post about them the next couple days. Everyone still playing along?
I'm moving on with season 2 once I get home from vaca. So yes, still in this b.

A system of cells interlinked
We are way out ahead. I will comment on episodes as you guys go along. We are almost done with season 4 at this point. Whoops!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
We are way out ahead. I will comment on episodes as you guys go along. We are almost done with season 4 at this point. Whoops!
It just takes a hold, doesnt it.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh speaking of haters, just had another thought that temporarily slipped my mind. Sky haters again - 311

This is probably what cemented the complete wig out about her. Sky and Walt are discussing which business to go with to launder the dirty dough. She offers to run the car wash and he says no because they are divorced. Sky admits she never lodged the paperwork...and the wigout crowd were convinced it was because she loved the money. I;m sure those people all watch while playing on their gadgets. She comes right out with it 'a wife cannot be compelled to testify against her husband'. She was protecting her family unit. And furthermore, if she stayed in the marriage for the money wouldn't she have enjoyed spending it rather than hoarding it? That hatred just always had me shaking my head.

Hope you're having a great time in Greece, MM. We had olives, taramasalata and dolmades for dinner in your honour.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I concur. Some episodes are downright bummers! Still a great watch.
I thought MM was talking about your friends?