Marijuana: Do you do it?


Don't do it but I think it should be legal and really isn't that bad of a "drug".
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Why do you think it should be legal?

I'm just asking, I'm friendly about my opinions and I want to hear anyone else's. It's the main reason why I wanted to get onto a forum.

Why do you think it should be legal?
Well it has a proven lower addiction rate than cigarettes and alcohol. There has not been a single death from marijuana. In Colorado it's legal medically and since the legalization there's not been a single case of someone driving under the influence of it. So as far as I'm concerned it's safe enough.

Also it's an amazing medical drug. People who've underwent chemo are very helped by this. I don't we should restrict anything that helps the sick or injured.

Also when it's legal to sell there will be less crime involved with it. There will be no need to traffic. Plus the government will make so much money. One there would be taxes off it and two we would'nt need all those court dates where you have to pay for the jury, possibly a lawyer, definently a prosecuter, and possibly his living expenses in jail.

It's worked in Holland, why not the US?

If drug dealers stop focusing on Marijuana as a main source for profit, what do you think they will start pushing next?

Also, what do you think kids will want to start experimenting with then? It used to be legal for kids in high school to smoke, then that stopped, now it's Marijuana, what do you think they will do next if you take marijuana away from them?

The reason I am asking is because if the U.S. does legalize Marijuana, you know they will put very strict laws on it.

How much do you think they will charge for it to be open to all the public? Instead of just the sick, although we all know that people with green cards sell their medical marijuana too.

FYI: In no way am I totally correct on any of this, these are just my opinions.

I think marijuana should be legal in every country

1-it is less harmful than a lots of legal drugs
2-every drug should be legal,anyway(even heroin),because every person have rights to do what they want with their own body

If drug dealers stop focusing on Marijuana as a main source for profit, what do you think they will start pushing next?

Also, what do you think kids will want to start experimenting with then? It used to be legal for kids in high school to smoke, then that stopped, now it's Marijuana, what do you think they will do next if you take marijuana away from them?

The reason I am asking is because if the U.S. does legalize Marijuana, you know they will put very strict laws on it.

How much do you think they will charge for it to be open to all the public? Instead of just the sick, although we all know that people with green cards sell their medical marijuana too.

FYI: In no way am I totally correct on any of this, these are just my opinions.
Most dealers have multiple drugs. How do I know? Grand theft auto
But seriously dealers will still find other drugs and I understand but just because of that we shouldn't legalize a perfectly OK substance. With the kid issue, I know kids in my highschool (I'm in HS BTW) do everything from alchohol to meth, I don't think anything will change of what they take if we legalize one. I mean they still to cigs and alcohol, and another point with the kids I know kids who have pot dealers, with the legalization it'll be hard for them to sell it to kids. And I don't think we should go to the extreme of Holland where it's in aisle four of the grocery mart but I think to have special facility like the current medical shops won't have to be to much trouble to open. Manage it like an alchohol liscense.

"Most dealers have multiple drugs. How do I know? Grand theft auto"
Thought this comment was funny! :P lol

Anyways, I guess at my high school, it was different or at least I thought it was (Graduated 2 years ago) But in regards to Holland, Europe and most all other countries give more responsibility to their citizens than America, therefore maybe I feel because our country is more "sheltered" that we need to ease everyone into the possibility of legalizing drugs. I used to smoke for a year in time and thinking back now, if it were legal, would it really be good for the country? All I remember myself being is stupid and sleeping all the time for lack of function.

In all though you do state very valid points.

2-every drug should be legal,anyway(even heroin),because every person have rights to do what they want with their own body
Thats fine but the health system has to care for these people when they get ill, I am not sure that any drug should be legal I understand what you say about legal drugs they also put a strain on the health systems of many countries, not sure legalisation is the way to go
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

It's worked in Holland, why not the US?
It's not as 'legal' in Holland as you think and a lot of places where you can 'take' cannabis are closing or have closed now.

As for me, I don't even smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, and I like control of my mind so not going to put drugs like cannabis into my body - but if someone wants to smoke cannabis, I don't have a problem with it, especially when it's for medical use(for some people, it seems to work with pain a hell of a lot better than shoving a million different expensive pills into your body).

I think that one of the reasons why it helps people more is because they can feel the smoke, therefore they feel it working and you get high faster than pills. The problem with substances, controlled or uncontrolled is that eventually your body goes into a state of being used to whatever you put into it and therefore you need bigger and bigger "doses" of whatever you are in taking. That's another reason why it may not be too smart to legalize something that people already have a hard time controlling with themselves,IMO. And the reason it's called a gateway drug is also because of that. You stop getting as good of highs as when you first started smoking. You then start looking for something harder and better. Or combining Marijuana with cigarettes, or sheesha, or alcohol, or controlled substances such as hydros.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I think in general, it's better than booze. Alcohol will often turn nice folks into mean, violent SOB's, but pot doesn't seem to do that.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I can agree with that, I don't remember ever encountering an angry pot head. Alcohol is a substance that can bring out the dark side of anyone which is always an unknown "danger".

Marijuana is bad. Years ago my mate smoked dope all the time, what did he get? Have a guess? Schizophrenia! Then he killed himself. You know why? He wouldn't take his medication.

Dope is no good for most people. Though some people it doesn't affect them.

I shouldn't say it because my mate is dead, though it was 15 years ago. But I will! His Father is an Actor, then he never really got parts. Now, he's pretty big in Australia. When he was 16 years old, his Father kicked him out. He stayed at my house for about 2 Months, then he found a place. His Picture the idiot Father!!!

Marijuana is bad. Years ago my mate smoked dope all the time, what did he get? Have a guess? Schizophrenia! Then he killed himself. You know why? He wouldn't take his medication.
In America for example Schizophrenia has not increased much compared according to research while cannabis use is still strong. Your friend would have been predisposed to it and it was drug abuse according to his Father(a mixture, not just Cannabis). It's rare. It's most likely he still would have got Schizophrenia if he had not gone near any drugs and he was around the average age it can start.

I've seen more trouble from morons absolutely drunk on the streets, especially near the clubs and pubs. Give me cannabis smokers any day over drunk people getting violent, vomiting all over the streets and really classy girls...

In America for example Schizophrenia has not increased much compared according to research while cannabis use is still strong. Your friend would have been predisposed to it and it was drug abuse according to his Father(a mixture, not just Cannabis). It's rare. It's most likely he still would have got Schizophrenia if he had not gone near any drugs and he was around the average age it can start.

I've seen more trouble from morons absolutely drunk on the streets, especially near the clubs and pubs. Give me cannabis smokers any day over drunk people getting violent, vomiting all over the streets and really classy girls...

I don't believe you. Yeah, there is a lot drunk morons...but to say "It's most likely he still would have got Schizophrenia if he had not gone near any drugs and he was around the average age it can start" Drugs do it!

It was 17 years ago, when he died. Drug dealers make profits for what destroy people, most people anyway. A Government won't help either!

Drugs help with Schizophrenia but more likely it is genetically passed on. I don't doubt that the drugs helped destroy his life but I do think that he would've had mild signs when he got older if that is the case. I don't really know though, I just know it's mostly genetic. Anyways, I'm sorry about your friend. Drugs and alcohol tear a lot of people apart and it sucks.

"mild signs" Very much so! I remember going to his flat and I knocked. He opened the door then he said "they're after me" I said "who mate?" He said "Everyone!"

Then I didn't know much about Schizophrenia, but one the Shrink said "pot will destroy him" He was on medication, though with Schizophrenics don't take it!

He was good before, then he started smoking pot...then everything went sour.