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Movies similar to 'Misery'


Not sure if these are similar but they are thrillers that involve being held captive:

1. Oldboy (2003) - Park Chan Wook
2. The Skin I Live In (2011) - Pedro Almodovar
3. The Collector (1965) - William Wyler
4. The Vanishing (1988) - George Sluizer
5. Audition (1999) - Takashi Miike
6. Funny Games (1997 & 2008) - Michael Haneke

For cinematography (bleak, drab) another of King's adaptations, Dolores Claiborne, isn't half bad. Plus you get more Kathy Bates.

I actually prefer DC to Misery for a variety of reasons and you certainly could make a case for it being about 'captivity' just painted with a bit wider of a brush.

Audition by Takashi Miike is an awesome movie !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

hi everyone, ( i dont speack english very well) i have a question , there is an other movie with the similar story of MISERY .. that i need the name ... the story is : a woman find a man survived on the beach , take him home and taking good care of him , leting him belive that they are in isolated island ... when it is not true , plz help me with the name of this movie

Berlin Syndrome (2017)

The Beguiled with Clint Eastwood. He thinks he found a little paradise.

There is a remake