Films to enjoy high


Why would anybody want to watch movies in airplanes? It's one of the worst places to watch a movie!

Why would anybody want to watch movies in airplanes? It's one of the worst places to watch a movie!
He meant on top of a skyscraper, you silly goose!
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

He meant on top of a skyscraper, you silly goose!

Why would anybody want to watch movies in airplanes? It's one of the worst places to watch a movie!
It took me way to long to get this silly dad joke and I am not even high.

i thought Deliverance was hilarious when I was tripping.

It took me way to long to get this silly dad joke and I am not even high.
C'mon, baby, light my fire!!

I was pretty baked the first time I watched The Man with the X-Ray Eyes, and it’s been a favorite ever since.

I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

The trick is to just do drugs all day long, then watch whatever you find laying around the floor.

I like your style.

Don't do drugs, kids.
Yes, movies are a much healthier addiction

Another movie I saw while tripping is Life is Sweet, the Mike Leigh film. This is an actual comedy. It was funny but Timothy Spall's character scared the crap out of me.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I will be honest - although I always loved A Nightmare on Elm Street, I feel like introducing edibles made me think every single frame of them was brilliant. Otherwise, high or inebriated is pretty much the only time I can bring myself to go back to the stoner and road trip comedies from the 2000s I grew up on.

I will be honest - although I always loved A Nightmare on Elm Street, I feel like introducing edibles made me think every single frame of them was brilliant. Otherwise, high or inebriated is pretty much the only time I can bring myself to go back to the stoner and road trip comedies from the 2000s I grew up on.

Yeah, those comedies more or less required then.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is brilliant, and 3 & 4 are very good. The 2nd one is underrated, with interesting ideas, even if it isn't at all scary. Freddy vs Jason was a lot of fun.

New Nightmare is good if you start at the funeral. Nothing really important happens before that except the first death. The scene where the heroine learns that her husband is dead is one of the worst acted scenes in a Hollywood movie ever. She reacts as if someone ran over her elderly cat.

5 & 6 are trash.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Yeah, those comedies more or less required then.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is brilliant, and 3 & 4 are very good. The 2nd one is underrated, with interesting ideas, even if it isn't at all scary. Freddy vs Jason was a lot of fun.

New Nightmare is good if you start at the funeral. Nothing really important happens before that except the first death. The scene where the heroine learns that her husband is dead is one of the worst acted scenes in a Hollywood movie ever. She reacts as if someone ran over her elderly cat.

5 & 6 are trash.
By now, I more-or-less know the Elm Street movies like the back of my hand. For better and for worse, I have seen each of them around a dozen times.

Personally, I feel like I have been able to revisit all of them and love them, on some level. The only one I really came away disliking was Dream Child, and even that one, I like some of the ideas for (I have something of a soft-spot for Freddy's Dead, but it's certainly not a film that will hold together under a lot of scrutiny).

I take that back, I do legitimately, honestly and truly, hate the remake. I have tried many times to re-watch it and tried to see the better qualities of it, and I can't. Every time I see that CGI-laden scene of Freddy pressing through the fall, I see the "Look how they massacred my boy" meme taken from The Godfather.