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TYTD/Red Triangle Reviews

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Hi All!, I've been uploading reviews every Friday online covering cult, B-movies, experimental cinema and all the other oddities in between. Im about to start work on my second season this weekend (Im doing them in batches of 12 first then 15 thereafter) but I thought I would pop them up here while I'm at it starting with "The Dragon Lives again"

Here's another for my Review of "The Last man on earth" the 1964 Vincent price classic (Not to give too much away!)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Working now so will watch those later. Looking forward to them.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Hi All!, I've been uploading reviews every Friday online covering cult, B-movies, experimental cinema and all the other oddities in between. Im about to start work on my second season this weekend (Im doing them in batches of 12 first then 15 thereafter) but I thought I would pop them up here while I'm at it starting with "The Dragon Lives again"

That's so bad it's hilarious - the movie, not your review. Your review is excellent. Fantastic speaking voice and accent by the way. I really enjoyed that; especially popeye, and the skeleton army did not bring back nightmares from the army in Jason and the argonauts. That was great fun.

That's so bad it's hilarious - the movie, not your review. Your review is excellent. Fantastic speaking voice and accent by the way. I really enjoyed that; especially popeye, and the skeleton army did not bring back nightmares from the army in Jason and the argonauts. That was great fun.
Ahh thank you very much! Its a film I hold close to my heart, I felt in the earlier ones of these that I did I spoke a little too quickly so I try and conciously pace myself now when I go through them but Im glad you liked it

Im almost caught up with the backlogue now Heres last weeks review 1967's Quatermass and the Pit (Otherwise known as Five million years to earth in the US)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ahh thank you very much! Its a film I hold close to my heart, I felt in the earlier ones of these that I did I spoke a little too quickly so I try and conciously pace myself now when I go through them but Im glad you liked it
You sound a bit like Jonathon Pie but without the blood pressure meltdowns and eff bombs. I love that guy!

You sound a bit like Jonathon Pie but without the blood pressure meltdowns and eff bombs. I love that guy!
Fair play xD Im from the north of the UK so my accents a bit broader than my southern "Received pronunciation" counterparts. Its super hard to hide but I'll take any comparison to Jonathan Pie as a compliment

Hot off the presses Ladies and Gents! Its been a bit of a busy week but luckily I was able to turn this one around at least In what is probably one of the shoddiest DVD authorings I've seen in a good while here is 1978's "The Descendants of Wing Chun"

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL Jonathon Pie. Looks seriously horrendous. Love the stereotypes of the fat chinese butcher called Fatty (my chinese butcher is pretty slim and not called Fatty) and the bald yet bearded kung fu master. Made it as far as the orange and wanted to stab myself in the ear with a chopstick.

Another fun review Think I'll give this one a miss. The dubbing is atrocious.

LOL Jonathon Pie. Looks seriously horrendous. Love the stereotypes of the fat chinese butcher called Fatty (my chinese butcher is pretty slim and not called Fatty) and the bald yet bearded kung fu master. Made it as far as the orange and wanted to stab myself in the ear with a chopstick.

Another fun review Think I'll give this one a miss. The dubbing is atrocious.
Ahh thank you very kindly! Its honestly a wonder I made it through the film in one piece, i've corrected the aspect ratio here using my editing software but watching back through my laptop for the review itself it was almost utterly unwatchable. Still it was only marginally better than that dub

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Still laughing at the orange scene. Fatty seems a bit like a village idiot.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You're right - the dubbing is the best thing about it. Gotta love those english accents. I laughed all the way through your review. Very enjoyable.

Still laughing at the orange scene. Fatty seems a bit like a village idiot.
Y'know thats one of the big sticking points of this film for me (As if everything else didnt make it rubbish anyway) they play him a bit as a simpleton but they always stop short of actually just out and out acknowlaging him as one...its a pain because it means they can make him do random clever things whenever they write themselves into a corner which is a load of Cobblers if you ask me!

And that Orange scene is literally one of the only highlights of the film. both the clips I use in this review are the absolute best scenes it has to offer so I hope I've saved you some time at least xD

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm still feeling very distracted by kung fu master's beard and bushy eyebrows. And tell me, the girl with the long braid at the beginning of your video is a nag with an irritating voice?

I'm still feeling very distracted by kung fu master's beard and bushy eyebrows. And tell me, the girl with the long braid at the beginning of your video is a nag with an irritating voice?
Y'know I'd honestly not thought about it that much but looking at him again something just doesnt sit right with his face...its way too fuzzy...

And you can absolutely bet your life that girls got an irritating voice. Not helped by the awful sound balance which makes her peak off the charts xD mercifully shes only in 1 or 2 scenes, she sets up a plot that never resolves itself and then she dissapears for the rest of the film