Movie about soldiers during a guard service, suicide



around 1991, I have seen the german version of a movie about (british?) soldiers during a guard service. The movie is probably much older than 1991. I have searched alot in the web, and I have already asked in a german forum.

The sergeant of the guard was called "bombardier". He had alot of trouble, the soldiers disobeyed his orders. He allowed some soldiers to buy cigarettes in a pub inside the baracks area. These soldiers drunk beer (which was strictly forbidden during guard service) and returned very lately.

There was a discussion how somebody spotted the devil on a meadow with cows.

The sergeant of the guard said numerous times: "Tomorrow, I will go to my holydays. Then, I will be promoted and become an officer, and then, I will never serve as a sergeant of the guard, again." However, his argumentation was stupid: He fails as a sergeant of the guard. After his promotion to an officer, he has more involved tasks than beeing a sergeant of the guard.

A long time ago, one of the soldiers decided to commit suicide on his 30th birthday which fell on the second day of the guard service. He indeed killed himself during the guard service.


Could you explain what you mean by "guard service"?

Is that guard duty where soldiers stand post in case enemy attacks (even in peacetimes, they'll do guard duty).

Is it an honor guard where they honor "the unknown soldier" or something like that?

I think it was a british or american movie dubbed into german.

The movie took place in the barracks area.

I think, it was in peace time. There were no foreign/enemy soldiers in the movie.
It was a guard service to protect the barracks area. For example, a soldier stood
close to a fence to prevent unauthorized persons to enter the barracks area.

Thank you very much!!!

Registered User
Just a note, in the British Artillery (and also other Commonwealth countries) there is a rank called "Bombardier" that is equivalent to a "Corporal".