The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here

MoFo Lists


Well, it's been a few months, so we're long overdue for a new toy, wouldn't you all say?

Behold, MoFo Lists.

What is MoFo Lists, you ask? Well, you know that American Film Institute "100 Years..." series? They've been catalogued in our database, so that we can all check off the ones we've seen. And when we have, a percentage of the films on the list we've seen (along with a link to display which one's we have/haven't seen) shows up on our posts, just to the left of the Favorite Movies dropdown. You can see an example on this post, above.

Checking movies off is strangely addictive and, like the Favorite Movies lists, should help us get a better snapshot of each person's experience and taste. And it should spark at least one "how the hell have you not seen BLANK?!" discussion. And, of course, it will probably motivate more than a few of us to see more movies. Yes, I'm using Internet-based social stigma to get us all watching more films.

Needless to say, the potential expansions and applications of this are significant. You can probably guess some of the forthcoming improvements, but if you can't, well, just wait a week or two. Suffice to say, this could end up dramatically lowering MoFo's already low collective productivity levels.

Special thanks to MattJohn and SedaiMike for testing this out for me earlier in the week.

Anyway, enjoy! And, of course, any questions or bug reports can go right here in this thread.

There's several on there i've seen but it's been so long ago can't remember them enough to tick them. Definitely going to be kcik towards seeing somre of those, shame they're only the American ones. Also American Graffiti is on far too many lists.

Holden's seen 100% on all them then?

A system of cells interlinked
I am curious to see, myself, and, yes, that came up in discussion when Chris and I were testing...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I am curious to see, myself, and, yes, that came up in discussion when Chris and I were testing...
I'll be a little surprised if he's seen all the musicals. I think that one's gonna be pretty low for most MoFos, relatively speaking.

True, maybe we could get the bfi list up there too?
Good idea. Gimme some time and I'll see what I can do.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I'll be a little surprised if he's seen all the musicals. I think that one's gonna be pretty low for most MoFos, relatively speaking.
That's my highest percentage! Must be a misspent youth....

Yes, I've seen all of them. Even the few Silents that are there, and all the Musicals.

And to nitpick, there's no "mark all" option, which made checking off all those boxes a might annoying. It also doesn't cross-reference from list-to-list, so that you have to mark say Casablanca four times rather than once.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Oh dear... you know, I've been a member of Movie Forums for what, five years? I still haven't seen a lot of things. Why do I have something like Ladies In Lavender coming today via Netflix when I still haven't witnessed The Godfather, Ben Hur, Schindler's List, Shampoo...

I may have to resign from this place.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
That's my highest percentage! Must be a misspent youth....
Me too. I am not done yet, but I have 80% on that one. I am surprised at how many movies I have seen.

Off to finish.

And to nitpick, there's no "mark all" option, which made checking off all those boxes a might annoying.
Yeah, I thought of that, but decided against it, for two reasons. First, most people won't have seen all of them (or even most). And second, we're already on the honor system, and as-is we'll probably have problems with jokers checking every box for no reason, so I didn't want to make it any easier for them.

Suffice to say, I'll have to keep an eye on the lists and try to weed out the obviously facetious ones.

Anyway, sorry you had to wade through them all.

It also doesn't cross-reference from list-to-list, so that you have to mark say Casablanca four times rather than once.
Yeah, this is something that really should exist. I'll work on it a bit later. It's just the kind of thing I didn't want holding up the release/launch/whatever. Definitely a fine idea, though, that I'll try to implement in the very near future.

If there had been a hundred Musicals, then I probably would have had a few holes here and there (which is why AFI wisely cut it off at a quarter of a list for that topic, as there aren't a hundred great American Musicals). But I do like Musicals, I din't know why anybody would have gotten the impression that I don't.

Oh, I didn't think you didn't like them. It's just a genre that I think is increasingly neglected by moviegoers. Granted, this is more apparent in casual moviegoers, but I assumed it would extend a little to cinephiles, most of whom probably still have a slight leaning towards films released during their lifetime; a standard under which many great musicals obviously would not qualify.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Oh, I didn't think you didn't like them. It's just a genre that I think is increasingly neglected by moviegoers. Granted, this is more apparent in casual moviegoers, but I assumed it would extend a little to cinephiles, most of whom probably still have a slight leaning towards films released during their lifetime; a standard under which many great musicals obviously would not qualify.
I would have thought that of all types of film, musicals are the ones most people are most likely to have seen out of the films that are 'before their time' (besides cartoons). Musicals are always on tv on bank holidays and Christmas, your mum and your nan probably watch them, they are suitable for kids. Up until a few years ago, the only films I had seen from before about 1970 were musicals.

That could be. I don't see many on TV, personally, and certainly not more than older non-musicals. Maybe they're played a bit more in Britland, though. Dunno.


Out of the members who have done their lists at this very early stage, I'm surprised how low the Comedy flicks are placing. I thought even people who don't watch a lot of movies or a lot of old movies would at the very least have seen some of the classic comedies of all time.

But I guess not.

I recommend everybody who doesn't have them checked off start with the Cary Grant movies on the 100 Laughs list (well, maybe excluding Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, which is OK but by no means belongs on a top one-hundred list). His Girl Friday, The Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, Arsenic & Old Lace and The Awful Truth are all top-flight must-sees.

I am having a nervous breakdance
now that is cool
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

I'm a bit surprised by some of the numbers, though not as much by that one. Comedy strikes me as being more a product of its time than, say, drama. Of course, the truly great comedies are accessible over much longer periods of time, but many older comedies seem to space their jokes out a bit more and are less attractive to younger people today (who expect rapid-fire gags). Not to mention that comedy and vulgarity (something older films don't have much of) are increasingly confused with one another.

Anyway, I'll be compiling constantly updated sitewide averages and the like once we get a few more lists in there, so these meta-issues will have a bit more footing for discussion.

So, would it be a big deal if I checked off what I own, instead of what I have seen. I am a freak for owning movies. Oddly enough, owning around 5,000 to date, I am missing quite a few here. Although I now have a new set to work on. Then again, there are a few I wouldn't buy.
Anyways, does it matter how I do it?


Lordy, doing this first list makes me want to clean out my collection. I don't want a few that I have. I want quite a few more, and I wouldn't even want to view a few of them. Then again, a few of these are waiting for me in my cart. hmmmm