Unknown Gun film


Movie Forums Member
I remember seeing this film on TV back in Summer 1999, on Philly 57 in Camden, NJ. It might have been a TV show, because it was only like 60 minutes long.

It was rather dramatic and comedy like, and all I remember is that:

1) at one point a lady shoots a guy in the chest, but there's no blood, its like the bullet was a BB pellet.

2) This one good guy went to these bad guys mansion. They bring this big tough guy out attached on a chain. While the two fight, one of the bad guys has this constant look of concern on his face. The good guy then presses the tough guy's neck back and locks his grip in, until the neck snaps. It takes like 60 seconds.

3) The one guy battles then battles the main evil guy, where the evil guy plays Russian roulette with him. The good guy goes first.
a) Evil Guy aims at good guy and pulls the trigger. CLICK.
b) Evil Guy puts the barrel of the gun on his head and pulls the trigger. CLICK.
c) Evil Guy aims at good guy and pulls the trigger. CLICK. The good guy makes a commentabout luck holding.
d) Good guy closes his eyes as the evil guy puts the barrel at his own temple, and pulls the trigger. BANG!
e) The good guy opens his eyes to see the bad guy slumped in the chair dead. The good guy then takes off.

4) The film ended with this black guy all bandaged up in the hospital.
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