The Strangers

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Mr.Paul at your service!
This movie freaking sucked ass there was no plot wasn't scary and there was no freaking point in making the dam thing.

comment's anyone?

Nah, while it didn't really have much point, it was a very scary movie. Especially if you're at home at night watching it alone, it just makes it even better.

Movie Forums Extra
I didn't like it at all

i enjoyed it at the movies...but when i watched it at home it didnt have the same feel of me it is just one of those movies that get worse when you see it more

Movie Forums Extra
Holey smokes, I thought this movie was so scarey, I had to sleep with my shade shut for the night. The thing that made this movie very scarey to me was that it could actually happen to anyone at home. It could be real. Also, the last part of the movie was scarey!!!!

Saw this last night. Creepy as all get-out, to be sure, but I found some of the resolutions (or lack thereof) pretty unsatisfying. A lot more skill went into this than the story underneath it deserved.

Very unsettling at points, particularly in regards to the climax. I can't figure out if that's to its credit or its detriment, though.

Only thing I'm certain of is that the first half is great. After that, I've definitely got issues with it. But the first 35-40 minutes are stellar. Haven't felt that tense watching a mere DVD in quite awhile.

I have not seen The Strangers--too scary-looking for me, but I have seen Straw Dogs, with Dustin Hoffman--which seems similar if you think about it.

If you have seen both do you think Straw Dogs was better?
~~More DVD extras, please. Thank you.

If you have seen both do you think Straw Dogs was better?
Yes. Much better.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I thought it was an okish movie nothing specail but the ending annoyed the hell out of me but when I look back at the ending I think it was quite different and very cool if there is going to be a sequel.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I have to agree with scotty i went to see the movie in theatres and it was pretty good sent chills down my spine and it was also made sort of funny because when i went to see it every time a scary part came up most people screamed but this woman in the front row laughed her head off which gave the movie some comic relief. it was bad when i saw it on video because it didn't have the same feel. To also agree with n3wt there will be a sequel there always is but it will probably suck. Like most sequels do don't get me wrong The godfather 2 and others were great but get real there has not been in my opinion one decent sequel/remake of a horror film ever No director can ever get it right like the originals could.