Name of this serious yet comedic movie...


There was a movie I saw bits and pieces of not to long ago It was about this guy who starts selling drugs I think somewhere in los angeles and the mafia there or whatever catches up on him, there was some hilarious moments in the movie though but im not sure it was kind of like a half serious half comedic movie. the actor that was in it was not like a main actor, I think it might of been a indie film.

I only seen bits and pieces of it because I was busy doing other things while I would randomly walk in to watch it id love to see the whole thing though.

The only scene I can really remember was towards the end of the movie the mafia catches him and has him tied up to a chair and they were threatening to cut his dick off if he didnt tell them where the cocaine or the drugs were.

It was on netflix for instant viewing I think it still is.

I checked its not on the list anymore... our account was deleted

bump, some body please help me out its killing me.