Anyone in Seattle wanna meet up?


So, like last year, I'm going to PAX West, which is held in Seattle, in early September. I think I already mentioned this the previous year to all the regulars from that area. But if not, or if there's anyone who couldn't make it last year, and/or if there any any newer folks who are and would want to meet, let me know.

The wife and I fly in on the 1st and leave on the 5th. I'm pretty tied up during normal business hours after the first day, but can definitely find some time most evenings to say hello and grab some food.


(For those who don't know, Slappy and I know each other from the SpyParty community, which is why we'll both be at PAX at the same time.)


I'm leaving Thursday morning. I assume I've already talked to anyone who's interested in meeting up, but last chance in case anyone didn't see it. As it stands I'll be meeting Slappy, and I'll be going to a Mariners game on Sunday with Powdered Water, who I met last year.

Also, this is a general notice that I'll be away from Thursday-Monday, so please be chill and nice to the moderators while I'm gone!


I'm leaving Thursday morning. I assume I've already talked to anyone who's interested in meeting up, but last chance in case anyone didn't see it. As it stands I'll be meeting Slappy, and I'll be going to a Mariners game on Sunday with Powdered Water, who I met last year.

Also, this is a general notice that I'll be away from Thursday-Monday, so please be chill and nice to the moderators while I'm gone!
Oy! Please say hi to Chris for me! I really miss him around here. He was my first bud

Bump! Amazingly, I'm going again. Be there around Labor Day weekend, so if any of you Seattle people (or people near-ish Seattle) wanna get lunch or something, let me know.

I legitimately have no idea how much time I'll have, so I can't commit to anything just yet, but good chance I can squeeze something in to hang out with MoFos.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
we should have a general thread like this for Mofos to post in - like call it the Mofo Travel Meet Up Thread or something, and whenever you're going to be traveling somewhere you could come in here and be like, hey, i'm gonna be in this city on these dates, anyone in that area wanna meet up?

anyway no i live in the opposite of Seattle unfortunately

Bump! Amazingly, I'm going again. Be there around Labor Day weekend, so if any of you Seattle people (or people near-ish Seattle) wanna get lunch or something, let me know.

I legitimately have no idea how much time I'll have, so I can't commit to anything just yet, but good chance I can squeeze something in to hang out with MoFos.
What's labor day?

What's labor day?
It's the first Monday of September and is generally the day that most births are recorded in the US each year.

*I just might have made that last bit up

What's labor day?
It's the first Monday of September and is generally the day that most births are recorded in the US each year.

*I just might have made that last bit up
Is it a day off work too, like our Bank Holiday?

Is it a day off work too, like our Bank Holiday?
Yep, it's a public holiday. Midwives tend to have to work it though

Me too no doubt!
Maybe you could ask to work in Americky that day ..... a cultural job-swap with someone for a day or something like that .... then you could have the day off too

I'd best not post any more in this thread or Yods annual desperate plea for a friend might get shuffled off the current page

Me too no doubt!
Maybe you could ask to work in Americky that day ..... a cultural job-swap with someone for a day or something like that .... then you could have the day off too
It would have to be something i'm good at though!

Last bump for this, just in case anyone didn't see it. It might be a busier year than usual, but if it's at all possible to meet any MoFos, I'll try to find a way to make it happen. Little over a month away.