The Greatest Showman

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Hello all, I just came home from seeing the Greatest Showman and would like to share my thoughts.

I saw this with my mother who had already seen it and I, being a Hugh Jackman fan and a song and dance lover, was more than willing to join her. The dancing was phenomenal and the songs were catchy and entertaining. Hugh Jackman brought his charm and I was in it. However, as the movie continued a lot of question marks popped up in my head and by the end of the movie I was ready to go. The story telling leaves much to the imagination which is not something I find entertaining. One scene he's scrapping together loans to buy an abandoned building, then all the "freaks" just show up on his doorstep in a morning's time, then he buys a mansion, and now he's meeting the queen of England. In a matter of moments. And Zac and Zendaya, though I do love both, made eye contact twice, and then are madly in love. Either that is more poor story telling or they have an unhealthy attachment to each other and that relationship is bound to turn toxic.

It lacked substance.

The song and dance though did blow La La Land out of the water, which I share my brief comments on in my Oscar 89 Thread. This movie, however, should find it's home in the Chicago folder for song and dance. The colors, the theatrics, the choreography were all top shelf. I throw my shoe at Ashley Wallen, who also choreographed Moulin Rouge.

out of 5

The Adventure Starts Here!
Watched this tonight. I mostly agree with you on all this. But by the time I saw it, it had been hyped far and wide. I loved Jackman in Les Miserables (which, to me, ranks up with Chicago in terms of amazing music and singing), so I expected to adore this movie. But to my mind, the music/song style just doesn't fit with the story. The opera singer is essentially singing something more like a show/pop song.

But yes, plot-wise, I totally agree with you. Did he really turn things around so fast that they didn't live in poverty very long? Three ticket sales and then suddenly he advertises for freaks and … what amount of time passes? Not much since his daughters are the same age as they were.

And, let's face it, the Barnum and Bailey Circus closed its doors more than a year ago because circuses have fallen out of favor (treatment of animals, etc.). So this whole story just seems... off to me. It barely held my interest to keep watching. It felt like a stylized, polished version of a story that's based on real life events.

I give it out of five.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I love musicals, but after the watching The Greatest Showman for 10 minutes or less, I hated it and shut it off. Not a fan of Hugh Jackman, so that was another negative.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I really liked the music, just thought there would be more conflict in the guys life.
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